Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Strategic Planning and Performance Team Leader (copy attached) to receive an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan in 2021 to 2022 as at the end of quarter 2 (July to September 2021).

10.10 a.m. – 10.40 a.m.



The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, introduced the Corporate Plan Update, Quarter 2, 2021 to 2022 report (previously circulated).


Information was provided regarding the Council’s progress as at the end of quarter 2 (July to September 2021), 2021 to 2022, in delivering the Corporate Plan outcomes. 


Regular reporting was an essential monitoring requirement of the Corporate Plan to ensure that the Council exercised its duty to improve. Quarterly performance reports were routinely shared with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Cabinet and the Performance Scrutiny Committee.


At the end of Corporate Plan period the vast majority of what was hoped to be delivered was expected to be successfully done so. Some projects overran due to impact of covid but would be delivered.  It was an ambitious plan.  Lessons would be learnt and lead members and officers were starting to look forward to what a new corporate plan might look like for a new council.


Two measures, Connected Communities and Young People, remained as priority for improvement due the fact there had been a reliance on other parties.


In terms of the other projects all of those were at a status of good or higher.  The Corporate Plan Board continued to monitor the delivery of the Plan going forward, and to transition into the new Corporate Plan.


The Strategic Planning and Performance Team Leader, Iolo McGregor gave a brief overview of the Plan.  The last annual performance report which was brought to Scrutiny, introduced new elements due to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 which made the current report far more comprehensive.


During discussions the following points were raised:


·         It was confirmed that the SARTH register was a concern which could be scrutinised.  Also Education and Young People was a concern for which Scrutiny had previously received reports from the Education Department.

·         Clarification was requested, regarding Dementia and whether staff were trained to observe any issues residents may have and how would they report the same.  The Corporate Director: Communities confirmed she would provide an update to members.

·         It was confirmed that 150 rural properties would not be able to access Superfast Broadband and work was continuing with the Digital Officer and BT Openreach to solve this issue.  Funding had been secured in conjunction with Cadw and Welsh Government (WG) to employee a second Digital Officer.

·         Affordable Housing was to be included within the new Corporate Plan to assess all issues regarding the difference in salaries across the county.

·         Project Risks – Welsh language or Welsh culture, had that been considered a risk due to covid?  The Strategic Planning and Performance Team Leader clarified that if there had been a degradation of Welsh language and culture due to covid then that would be an issue for a Community Risk Register which was monitored by the Public Services Board.  He also clarified that work had taken place to update the Conwy and Denbighshire Wellbeing Assessment, in which there were sections that specifically focussed on culture and heritage and he would consult with his colleague to ascertain whether the impact of covid on Welsh language had been reflected in there.

·         It was asked whether the journey to carbon zero would be at risk.  It was confirmed it was a risk to the Council as it was such a large and very costly programme of work, it was also a very long programme of work.  It was reflected on the Corporate Risk Register which was to be presented to the Committee as the next item on the Agenda.


The Committee –


RESOLVED subject to the above observations and having considered the report and any further actions required to respond to any performance related issues highlighted within the report, to receive and confirm the content of the report.


Supporting documents: