Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report by the Corporate Health and Safety Manager on the health and safety management within Denbighshire County Council during 2020-2021 (copy enclosed).


The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets introduced the Annual Corporate Health and Safety report (previously circulated). Members were informed the report contained a glossary of terms, assessment of 3 key areas and how the service had continued during Covid-19. The Lead Member stated the overall assessment for the health and safety team had been given medium assurance, with a good history of health and safety works in Denbighshire.


The Corporate Health and Safety Manager (CHSM) guided members through the Annual Health and Safety report. The first section of the report included the assessment of the health and safety performance in terms of how the culture works, a medium assurance rating had been provided. It was the opinion of the CHSM that Denbighshire had responded well to the restrictions and changes imposed on the service.


The Safety Health and Welfare culture in DCC had been on a continuous improvement path for a number of years. The most recent improvement was in employee involvement. This had the potential for a significant positive impact on “safety culture”.


Members heard that the Health and Safety team responded rapidly to government regulations and guidance. Risk assessments and safe working procedures were developed as soon as practicable and reflected the rapidly changing position. Work alongside the HSE guidance and Welsh Guidance ensured regulations were met. DCC’s approach to managing the risk from Covid – 19 was assessed as a high assurance.


It was highlighted that throughout the year 2020/21 none of our RIDDOR incidents were formally investigated by the HSE.


The CHSM highlighted improvement had been noted in many areas the main being found in:

·         Schools.

·         Community Support Services (CSS).

·         Denbighshire Leisure Ltd.

·         Waste management and collection.


Members were guided through the points of note during 2020/21, the main being the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus on one subject allowed the organisation to respond well to the changes. This opinion was concurred by the HSE.

Schools had been a media feature during the pandemic with guidance changing a number of times during the year. Every school in Denbighshire completed and shared a covid-19 risk assessment.

It was stressed Waste Management and Collection services had also performed well during the difficult time.  


The HSE position was reflected in all guidance documents and communications relating to managing the risk from Ccovid-19 in our workplaces.

HSE carried out a number of Covid compliance spot checks in DCC workplaces throughout the year. No issues were raised during the checks.


The importance of Hand Arm Vibration monitoring was still a priority for the team. Members were provided with a detailed list of all the areas of work the Corporate Health and Safety were involved with. The timetable for work for 2021/22 had been included in the pack for members’ information.


The Chair thanked the CHSM and the team for all the hard work that had been undertaken during the year and praised the work of the team to maintain a good standard of assessments.


General debate –

·         The support from senior management and engagement is important.

·         No evidence to suggest an increase in slips, trips and falls resulted from individuals not using handrails or support aids.

·         The importance of physical training was vital in development of individuals.

·         With any RIDDOR report an investigation was carried out, based on the information on the incident report. All the cases in the papers would have been investigated. Further training can be provided if needed.  The team will ask all the necessary questions to resolve an incident.

·         If a road traffic accident involved RIDDOR, we are included in the investigation. If no RIDDOR involvement, it is the police that would be involved. The Fleet manager would also be included along with the Road Risk Advisor.

On the incident report there was a section for the service manager to make comments.


Members and observers wanted to thank the CHSM for his dedicated work and detailed report.


RESOLVED that, the Governance and Audit Committee receive the report, note its contents and endorse the Corporate Health and Safety team Work plan for 2020/21.





Supporting documents: