Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group / Scrutiny Co-ordinator (copy enclosed) for Council to consider the Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committees for 2011/12.



A copy of a joint report by the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group and the Scrutiny Coordinator which, in accordance with the Denbighshire’s Constitution, presented to Council the Scrutiny Committees’ Annual Report on their activities during 2011/2012, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Scrutiny Coordinator explained that the Annual Report would assist in introducing the work of the Scrutiny Committees and the role to all elected Members.  The report included the results of a self-evaluation exercise undertaken to measure the effectiveness of the scrutiny function.  Last years self-evaluation exercise had identified some areas which required further work in order to strengthen them, these areas had again been appraised against the findings of this year’s self-evaluation exercise and the conclusion drawn been included on pages 6 and 7 of the Annual Report.


The Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group had expressed concern regarding the recurring problem of maintaining a quorum at Scrutiny Committee meetings.  Whilst there had been no evidence that this had impaired scrutiny’s effectiveness it was felt there was potential to undermine scrutiny and the democratic process in the long run.  Consequently the Group had recommended that at the end of the 2012/13 municipal year the attendance record of each individual Member of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees be published in the Annual Report.  A meeting record would indicate apologies tendered, if submitted prior to the meeting being held.  


The new Scrutiny Committee structure had been introduced in 2011/12 with four operational based Scrutiny Committees being replaced with three thematic Committees.  Details of the review of the effectiveness of the new structure had been evaluated and included in the Report.  The general conclusion being that, subject to a few minor modifications, the new structure was fit for purpose. 


Details of the new powers and duties to be conferred on Local Authority Scrutiny Committees, following the enactment of the provisions of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, had been outlined in the report. Further information regarding the provisions, and the options they present, would be presented to Members following the publication of the final statutory guidance.  


Councillor H.L. Jones referred to the appointment of new Members to the Council and the importance of noting the changes and work undertaken by scrutiny during the last year.  The need to ensure Scrutiny Committee meetings were quorate was highlighted and it was confirmed that attendance records would be included in the Annual Report for 2012/13.  A scrutiny information pamphlet had been published to generate residents’ interest in scrutiny’s work and this would be replicated to summarise scrutiny’s work for 2011/12.  Councillor Jones referred to paragraph 4.8 of the report which outlined 6 of the new powers and duties bestowed on Scrutiny Committees under the provisions of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, and to Annex 7, the Scrutiny Referral and Interface Chart, which outlined the role and status of scrutiny within the Council.


Councillor D.I. Smith explained that being a Member of a Scrutiny Committee provided an invaluable insight into the operational aspects of the Council. He referred to the number of issues examined by the Communities Scrutiny Committee   and explained that he was proud of the work undertaken by the Committee and the subsequent outcomes.


Councillor R.L. Feeley referred to the effectiveness of scrutiny which had been endorsed by the Estyn Inspection Report, as highlighted on page 39 of the Annual Report.  She explained that the Performance Scrutiny Committee had successfully linked Members to individual service efficiency challenges which had assisted in distributing workloads and responsibilities.


The Chief Executive thanked Members and officers for the comprehensive report and self evaluation in respect of the scrutiny process and highlighted the following issues which he felt required further work and debate during the coming year:-


·        the importance of Member attendance at Scrutiny Committee meetings and the need to ensure that an objective is set that meetings are quorate on all occasions.

·        consideration of Members views regarding the times and locations of meetings, particular reference being made to the possibility of holding evening meetings.

·        communication between Cabinet and Scrutiny and the dissemination of information being crucial to the operational aspect of the Council.  Cabinet having a specific agenda item for issues referred from Scrutiny, the effectiveness of the call in process and the inclusion of Group Leaders on Cabinet to improve accountability and communication.

·        the importance of the issue of scrutinising designated persons and the provision of the opportunity to call to account and scrutinise both the public and private sectors.

·        The role of the Programme Boards in providing Members of scrutiny with the opportunity to participate in the internal workings of the Authority.

·         the role of Champions and the need for the provision of further guidance and assistance in ensuring their effectiveness. Councillor J. Butterfield suggested that in future reports be submitted by Champions outlining the work undertaken in respect of their individual roles.


In response to Councillor C. Hughes’ reference to the power to co-opt non Council members as members of Local Authority Scrutiny Committees, Councillors R.L. Feeley and G.M. Kensler explained that they would welcome the appointment of persons with expert knowledge in specific areas.  However, they felt that the Authority should be cautious in respect of appointing co-opted members as full members of the Committee, and Councillor Feeley referred to the democratic process of appointing Members of the Council.  Councillor H. Hilditch Roberts referred to the importance of reporting the work carried out by the Council and the need for improved communication with the public.


A number of Members referred to the admirable work undertaken by Champions and a number of the Champions provided details of the work carried out within their respective roles.  The Chair explained that the work undertaken by the Champions should be more widely publicised both within the Chamber and externally.


In reply to concerns expressed by Members regarding Member attendance at meetings, the HL&DS confirmed that details of Members’ attendance records would be published on the website and would be monitored by the Corporate Governance Committee.  However, the minimum number of meetings Members would be required to attend was stipulated and governed by law.


Members supported the view expressed by Councillor E.W. Williams that the Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committees should be presented to Council at the end of the municipal year to which the report related.


During the ensuing discussion a proposal by Councillor M.Ll. Davies to accept the Annual Report was seconded by Councillor S.A. Davies, on being put to the vote the proposal was carried.


RESOLVED – that Council receives the Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committees for 2011/12 and notes Members comments accordingly.


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