Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Economic and Business Development Officer (copy attached) which outlines the work undertaken through the Rhyl Regeneration Programme, the governance arrangements which support that work, and seeks members’ observations on the information provided. 


10.05am – 10.45am


The Leader Councillor Hugh Evans provided members with background information behind the regeneration programme in Rhyl. It was confirmed that Rhyl had two of the most deprived wards within Wales.


Due to technical difficulties video and audio connection with the Leader was lost. The Corporate Director for Economy and Public Realm (CDEPR) proceeded to guide members through the report (previously circulated). It was emphasised to members that Rhyl as an area was in need of regeneration. It was stressed that officers noted that all towns and wards had been faced with difficult times and needed support.


Within the report an update of arrangements around the priority of the town centre vision and the governance arrangements had been included. A Rhyl Regeneration Programme Board had been established. It was confirmed that Rhyl MAG had been communicated with all developments and a Rhyl Reference Group attended by Rhyl Councillors, Rhyl Town Council members and the local AM and MP. It was stressed a lot of work had been completed in Rhyl. Including work on the promenade, harbour and ongoing work at the Marina Quay.  It was confirmed that one of the priority areas was to concentrate on the town centre, whilst another one would focus on regeneration for the people and residents of Rhyl. Confirmation was given that a Rhyl Community Development Board had been established with partners such as health and the police.


Members were provided with more details from the Economic and Business Development Officer. The vision document included as an appendix to the report had been the result of 18 months of work and been signed off by Cabinet at the end of 2019. It was hoped it would provide guidance on the vision for the town centre and its regeneration.


During the ensuing debate members took the opportunity to raise questions and

discussed various aspects of the report with the officers present. Main discussion points focused on the following –

·         Technical Advisory Note (TAN) 15 was Welsh Government (WG) advice in relation to developments with regard to flooding. It was highlighted that a number of areas within Rhyl had been identified as areas of potential flooding. Developments within the flood areas needed to have special regard to how they would address the flooding issues at the development site. It was confirmed that parts of Rhyl would still remain on the flood risk maps. A number of schemes within Rhyl to address concerns of flooding had begun. The guidance TAN 15, stated regeneration development should be promoted with all aspects of the development assessed.

·         Appendix 2 to the report illustrated that the regeneration work at Rhyl had been separated into five different sectors. One of the sectors identified had been access and movement. This addressed and looked at transport and parking in Rhyl. Members heard a number of projects had been included to assess concerns. It was stressed that work had begun to look at developments for transport in Rhyl including work with the active travel routes, cycle paths and electric car charging points. The work would be a long term aspect of the regeneration project.

·         It was stressed that members had not been excluded from the boards working on the regeneration project. Officers welcomed feedback and input from members and Rhyl councillors. Members heard that the Rhyl Regeneration Programme Board was a technical forum that ensured agreed projects were interlinked and worked together. It was felt an officer led board would best suited for any information to then be communicated with the other boards and groups. Rhyl Member Area Group (MAG) members had stressed a desire to be included on the boards working on the Regeneration project. The CDEPR stated he would feedback Rhyl MAG members’ concerns on board membership. It was suggested a report be taken to Rhyl MAG to discuss further. 

·         Officers confirmed research into other regeneration projects completed by other local authorities had taken place. The Rhyl Regeneration Programme Board officers had worked with consultants who had been involved in other regeneration developments within in the UK.

·         It was confirmed that regard the Council’s Welsh Language policy would be complied with as part of the marketing strategy.

·         Confirmation was provided that Denbighshire had a commitment to aid and support the homelessn. A number of projects and work to address the temporary and emergency accommodation needs had begun. Members asked if it would be possible to include a time limit on the planning permission for the proposed new homeless unit in East Rhyl to avoid the property in time becoming another house in multiple occupation (HMO). The CDEPR confirmed he would discuss with the Rhyl MAG Chair to include a report on homeless and how the local authority could work with the Town Council to try and include them in plans to address the problem, on the forward work programme (FWP) for MAG members to debate.

·         Members discussed the need for motorhome parks in Rhyl and Denbighshire as a whole. It was felt there would be a potential need for parking sites for individuals visiting the area, particularly post COVID-19. The Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (HPPPCS) confirmed it would beneficial to have discussions with officers from other departments to investigate potential developments. The HPPPCS suggested to members that he explored the provisions in place for a future report to scrutiny. 


The Chair thanked the officers for the report and detailed response to members questions and concerns. It was noted members request to praise the work completed thus far on the Rhyl regeneration project. Following the discussion members,


RESOLVED:  subject to the above observations -

    i).        to receive report on the Rhyl Regeneration Programme and Governance report and note its contents;

  ii).        that the Corporate Director:  Economy and Public Realm liaise with Chair of the Rhyl Member Area Group to include a report on the homeless accommodation provision in Rhyl and how the Council could work with the Town Council to address the need, on the Member Area Group’s Forward Work Programme;

 iii).        that the Head of Public Protection and Countryside Services discuss with other officers the potential future provision for motorhome parking facilities in Rhyl and Denbighshire as a whole, and

 iv).        to receive future updates on at least an annual basis on the development and delivery of the Regeneration Programme.



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