Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report (copy attached) by the Head of School Improvement and Inclusion and School Effectiveness Officer as to the progress of the collaborative Task and Finish Group in developing proposals in respect of the provision of music education within schools, or alternatively Denbighshire’s proposal for the provision of music education.



The Head of School Improvement and Inclusion (HSII) submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members and to gain continuing support for  the progress of the collaborative Task and Finish Group to develop proposals in respect of the provision of music education within schools, or alternatively Denbighshire’s proposals for the provision of music education.


HSII outlined the report and explained the context and history of provision of funding for music in schools.


RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




In terms of opportunity for music for all students, historically, a budget was available to schools to access provision from William Mathias Music Centre (WMMC).  There had been concern raised by some schools as to how that funding had been distributed.  Funding was delegated from a formula ie population within the school and percentage of students receiving free school meals.  If larger numbers of children requested access to music education, either schools or parents would be required to make a contribution.  There had been a problem due to inconsistencies regarding parents’ payments.  Also it was felt some schools should not be subsidising from their budget when other schools were not making use of this facility.  Because of these inconsistencies, a sustainable long term solution was required.


There were extremely talented students in Denbighshire but students needed to be acknowledged and encouraged whatever their musical ability.  The take up of music was monitored and musical instruments provided.  An example of large investment was Christchurch School in Rhyl. The school was in an area of deprivation but it was important to encourage younger children into music.  It was imperative the budget was used in the best possible way.


Dr Dawn Marjoram, Co-optee Member informed the Committee that with regards to special schools, music is treated as a therapy.  However, there were some notable achievements in the field of musical education at special schools.  The HSII explained in terms of encouragement of schools to participate, there was no differentiation between main stream and special schools, equality was ensured.   In terms of actual curricular activity regarding music as therapy, this was a different matter altogether.


John Saxon, Co-optee member, enquired as to whether there was any assistance for parents who wished to purchase instruments.  HSII confirmed there was a hire scheme with an option to purchase.  There were people who had successfully participated in the scheme.


The contract with William Mathias was renewed annually and enabled the Council to monitor the quality of the service provided.  It also enabled the Council to provide musical education through the medium of Welsh.  Currently Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Anglesey and Conwy had contracts with Williams Mathias, whilst Flintshire and Wrexham had their own solutions.  Currently a North Wales wide solution was being sought and this was the focus of the Task and Finish Group chaired by Conwy’s Statutory Head of Education Services.  The Committee:




(a)               to continue to support the ongoing work with respect to the development of music within the County;

(b)               to support the proposals for the wider review of funding of music provision in Denbighshire; and

(c)               that the findings of the North Wales Music Task and Finish Group be reported to the Committee in due course.



At this juncture (10.55am) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break.





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