Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the change of use and alterations to former offices to form a 61 bed, 6 ward hospital for residential nursing and health care at 64 Brighton Road, Rhyl, LL18 3HN (copy attached).




An application was submitted for the change of use and alterations to former offices to form a 61 bed, 6 ward hospital for residential nursing and health care at 64 Brighton Road Rhyl LL18 3HN.


Officers informed the committee, that planning officers had received some late representations which were objection letters, from surrounding residents. Concerns raised in the letters of objection related to the lack of justification for the development, the lack of a clear management plan and fears over site security and potential crime and disorder.

The chair informed the committee that local member Councillor Barry Mellor could not attend the meeting however it was asked if the chair could query points with officers on his behalf. He queried why the petition for the previous application was not mentioned within the report for the new development.

Officers responded to the query, and clarified that Committee was dealing with a new planning application. No petition had been submitted as part of this application. The previously refused planning application was subject to a planning appeal which had been dismissed. Regard was had to the petition submitted at the time of the previous planning application but this could not be considered for a new planning application.

Councillor Tony Thomas (local member) informed the committee that many local residents thought that the application was the same, and thought that the petition would still stand. The local member agreed with the concerns of local residents as there was no clear management plan within the application. The over intensification of care homes in the area was queried and whether there had been any correspondence with surrounding care homes to assess the capacity. It was also highlighted that if the hospital was built it could be in direct competition with the local surrounding businesses. Lastly the local members highlighted that Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) had not highlighted a local need for the development.

Proposal – Councillor Tony Thomas proposed refusal, seconded by Councillor Brian Jones.

The chair clarified that clear reasoning for the proposed refusal would be sought once other members had discussed the application.

Councillor Brian Jones agreed with the comments that were raised by Councillor Tony Thomas. It was also raised that the current application was of interest to many people of Rhyl, who would have attended the meeting in County Hall, and stated he would prefer contentious items be discussed in physical meetings rather than remote meetings. It was also stated that the same reasons for refusal from the previous application were still applicable. Additionally Councillor Jones advised, that bringing people to the hospital from outside the area could have an impact on local amenities, alongside that some patients could pose a risk to the safety of surrounding residents. The uncertainty following the COVID outbreak was outlined and whether the building could have any use following the pandemic.

Following the points raised, officers responded to say that the statutory public consultation had been carried out, in accordance with planning legislation. However officers understood the concerns of local residents. The new application had more detail, as the appropriate reviews and assessments had been carried out.

Members discussed the application and that the building was a nuisance for North Wales police due to anti-social behaviour, and that the derelict building was becoming a risk. It was also becoming an eyesore in the local area. Some members did agree that the lack of a business case within the application caused some concern. Councillor Alan James reminded the committee that the business case was not a planning matter and should not impact on the decision of the committee. It was also highlighted how the committee would need to be cautious with the negative connotations when discussing potential patients.

Officers acknowledged and understood the concerns raised by local residents to the application. With regards to the business case and the long term use of the building it would be to change the unused office building into a C2 class hospital. Members were also informed that proper marketing had been carried out on the site, and there had been no additional interest with the site.

Councillor Mark Young agreed with comments raised by Councillor Alan James.

Proposal – Councillor Mark Young proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Alan James.

Members raised the parking at the site and whether there would be sufficient spaces at the site should the application was approved. It was also queried whether there would be additional noise pollution from the hospital to compare with when the offices were open. Members also stated that they wanted to ensure that any cladding on the property was fire proof

Officers responded informing the committee that there was sufficient parking at the site, this would include the staff, visitors and deliveries at the site. With noise pollution, the deliveries could be organised at specific times, to lessen noise pollution. The refurbishment of the building would need to comply with Building Regulations.

The legal officer reminded the committee that clear reasoning for refusal was required before proceeding to the vote.

Councillor Tony Thomas, clarified the reasoning would be the impact on of the development on local residents, there would also be an effect on local amenities. Lastly there was an over intensification of care homes in the area.





RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.



The meeting concluded at 10:42am

Supporting documents: