Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for change of use from agriculture to mixed use of land for agriculture and keeping of horses, retention of stables at land south-west of Ty Draw Farm, Mold Road, Bodfari, Denbigh (copy attached).



An application was submitted for change of use from agricultural to mixed use of land for agriculture and keeping of horses, retention of stables at land south-west of Ty Draw Farm , Mold Road, Bodfari, Denbigh.


Public Speaker –


Kerry James (agent) (For) – provided further detail and reasoning behind the application to accommodate Arab horses, emphasising the facilities would be for private use only and not for commercial purposes.  Also stated that the application complied with the relevant planning considerations and policy tests and measures had been proposed to mitigate concerns raised, particularly visual amenity.


General Debate – Councillor Christine Marston (Local Member) raised concerns regarding the retrospective nature of the application and access onto the A451 and sought assurances that the proposed planting scheme would not impede visibility at the site exit.  She appreciated that officers had worked hard with the applicant to address other areas of concern and welcomed the proposed conditions to address those issues.  However the site was in a visually sensitive location and she asked whether the AONB Joint Committee’s recommendation for tree planting around the stable block and storage area could be implemented to soften the appearance.  Finally given the close proximity to the River Wheeler and position in a flood risk area, Councillor Marston requested an additional condition to ensure the stable block had a sustainable drainage system.  Councillor Mark Young was supportive of the application overall but had concerns regarding the retrospective nature of the application and sought clarification regarding the drainage system given the differing requirements for horses and other farm animals, noting that previous permissions had been subject to changes to the drainage system.  He also sought further assurances regarding prohibiting use of the site for commercial purposes.


The Principal Planning Officer (IW) responded to the issues raised advising that –


·         the planning system allowed for applications to be made retrospectively and each application must be dealt with on its merits

·         condition 4 related to the requirement for the landscaping and planting scheme at the site to be approved by the authority and officers would ensure there would be no obstruction in terms of visibility at the site entrance as a result

·         the request for additional planting around the stable block/storage area itself could be accommodated as part of the actual design plan stage of the scheme and notes could be added to draw the applicant’s attention to those matters which the authority felt needed to be addressed in relation to the scheme

·         it would be possible to include an additional condition in relation to the drainage system for the stables building and how surface water from the roof was being dealt with.  This was considered reasonable, given there was no reference on the plans submitted

·         a new condition had been suggested in the late supplementary information (blue sheets) to address concerns over the disposal of animal waste with suitable arrangements in place for its storage and removal to ensure there was no potential pollution risk in relation to the nearby River Wheeler

·         the wording of condition 3 was unequivocal in that it prevented commercial livery of any use at any time.


Proposal – Councillor Christine Marston was satisfied with the conditions as presented together with an additional condition with regard to a suitable drainage system for the stable block and on that basis she proposed, seconded by Councillor Mark Young, that the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendation.



GRANT – 14




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers and subject to an additional condition requiring a suitable drainage system for the stable block to be approved by the local planning authority.


Supporting documents: