Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for the Conversion of first and second floors to form 3 no. self-contained flats and formation of a separate access at front of existing retail unit (copy attached).




An application was submitted for Conversion of first and second floors to form 3 no. self-contained flats and the formation of a separate access at front of existing retail unit at 9 Bodfor Street Rhyl.


General Debate –


Proposal – Councillor Ellie Chard proposed the application be refused and the application be resubmitted with two appropriately sized flats. Seconded by Councillor Bob Murray.


Members requested clarity of the internal floor space and relevant guidance, as the matter has been discussed in relation to numerous planning applications recently. Members also queried what provisions were in place for bins and amenities for drying clothes.


Concerns were raised in regards to one of the flats which would below the recommended size for a flat, as historically similar flats had not been consented in the area due to over-intensification of low quality accommodation. Another concern was, if the application was to be approved that a similar situation could reoccur. Other members of the committee supported the application as it would redevelop unused properties and bring them back into use as good quality accommodation, which could be a catalyst for further developments in the Rhyl area. Members also pointed out that Denbighshire’s housing size was above the Welsh average


Officers advised that the floorspace of flats was in planning guidance and referred to a minimum floor space of 50m2. It was suggested the application should be assessed on a balanced basis, as two of the flats would exceed 50m2 in area, and the two bed flat was over 70 square metres. The third flat would be 3m2 smaller than recommended in the guidance. The application obliged assessment of the minor deficiency in floorspace below the guidance, against the benefits of the application in bringing unused space back into use. The officers clarified that there wwas space behind the unit for bin storage and amenities for drying clothes.


Proposal – Councillor Brian Jones proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Tony Thomas.


Members questioned whether consenting to the application would set a precedent obliging approval of future flats below 50m2. Officers responded that the application in front of members had to be assessed as a whole and that there were clear benefits to be gained from the grant of permission. If future applications were brought to committee in the future with multiple flats under the 50m2 guidance, it was likely officers would recommend refusal.


The chair requested that clarity be sought with the reasons for refusal before proceeding to the vote.


Councillor Bob Murray clarified that the reason for refusal was due to over-intensification in the area, and that a precedent would be set for small flats to be built in the area.







RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.



Supporting documents: