Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for change of use of land for the siting of a hospitality/office unit, construction of associated parking area and dual use of the existing tracks as airfield and for driving school use; use of existing track for the use of 4x4 training and siting of a cabin for induction/training and associated hard surfacing for skid car tutoring at the Airfield, Lleweni Parc, Denbigh (copy attached).


An application was submitted for change of use of land for the siting of a hospitality/office unit, construction of associated parking area and dual use of the existing tracks as airfield and for driving school use; use of existing track for the use of 4x4 training and siting of a cabin for induction/training and associated hard surfacing for skid car tutoring at the Airfield, Lleweni Parc, Denbigh.


Public Speakers –


Ms. M. Green (Against) – highlighted local opposition to the proposal and concerns that the current noise pollution experienced from activities at the site would increase if the application was granted.  Also referred to concerns regarding water and light pollution and the detrimental impact on achieving Dark Sky Status.


Mr. T. Witham (For) – provided some background to the operation of the business and future plans and highlighted the positive impact on the local economy and young people through the provision of quality training.  The business had been operating within permitted development limits, no noise complaints had been received and water would not be used to simulate conditions.


General Debate – Additional information had been included in the late supplementary papers (blue sheets) in terms of representations received together with a minor re-wording of condition 4 regarding approved use and a suggested new condition to control surface water use.  Councillor Mark Young (Local Member) advised that many of the concerns raised initially had been addressed with the applicant but sought further assurances regarding removal of the buildings if the business ceased together with highway and noise concerns.  Councillor Rhys Thomas (Local Member) sought clarification regarding the hours of operation.


Officers responded to the issues raised by members advising that –


·         condition 5 relating to removal of the building and associated facilities in the event the businesses ceased operating from the site was legally enforceable

·         in the event of any noise complaints officers would investigate and take any action deemed appropriate

·         traffic movement was likely to be low and spread throughout the day and given the siting of the office building there was sufficient length of driveway to avoid congestion around the entrance; accordingly there were no highway concerns

·         confirmed the hours of operation as applied for and which required determination were between 08.30 and 19.00.


Councillor Christine Marston referred to a complaint regarding racing at the site and officers advised that the application did not contain reference to racing activities or events and condition 4 prevented the tracks from being used for any motor racing activity.  Any evidence based reports of unauthorised activities could be investigated as a separate issue outside of the meeting.


Proposal – Councillor Mark Young was satisfied that all concerns raised had been appropriately addressed and therefore he proposed, seconded by Councillor Peter Evans, that the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendation.



GRANT – 12




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary papers.


Supporting documents: