Agenda item

Agenda item


Notice of Motion put forward by Councillor Gwyneth Kensler for consideration by Full Council:


“This Council notes with concern DCC’s Corporate Risk Register entry for Brexit.


This Council further notes:

·       Care Forum Wales’ concerns that the Care Industry is at ‘crisis point’ warning that the long-term effects of Brexit could lead to a massive staffing shortage;

·       The total exports from Denbighshire & Conwy in 2016 was £188m.  Of this £102m – 55% - went to the EU.  For Flintshire and Wrexham total exports amounted to £5,051, of which £4,382 – 87% - went to the EU;

·       Wales is a net beneficiary of the EU, receiving around £245m more from the EU than what we pay in;

·       The UK Government’s Environment Secretary, Michael Gove MP’s, comments earlier this month saying that departure without a deal would cause “turbulence.  It would hit those who are our smaller farmers and smaller food businesses.  It’s a grim but inescapable fact that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the effective tariffs on beef and sheep meat would be above 40% - in some cases well above that”;

·       That every credible economic forecast, shows that Brexit – both with Theresa May’s deal and without, will damage the UK economy;

·       The negotiations over these past two years have exposed the complexities of the various leave options.


This Council recognises that in Denbighshire, 13.5% of all local business units on 10 March 2018 were in the ‘Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing’ industry.  This was the largest business industry classification.


This Council is concerned:

·       of the potential impact of Brexit on the Health and Social Care sectors in Denbighshire;

·       at the potential impact of Brexit on the local economy of Denbighshire.


Given this new information and the details known about the proposed deal, this Council calls on the UK Parliament to put the options now available, including the option to remain a member of the EU, before the people for a People’s Vote.”



At this juncture, the Chair, Councillor Peter Scott, stated that there was a 30 minute time limit for discussion of a Notice of Motion.


Councillor Gwyneth Kensler declared a personal interest as she is Chair of Denbigh Museum, Secretary of Theatr Twm O’r Nant and Chair of LAG Cadwyn Clwyd who all receive European funding.


Councillor Gwyneth Kensler put forward the following Notice of Motion for consideration by Full Council:


“This Council notes with concern DCC’s Corporate Risk Register entry for Brexit.


This Council further notes:

·         Care Forum Wales’ concerns that the Care Industry is at ‘crisis point’ warning that the long-term effects of Brexit could lead to a massive staffing shortage;

·         The total exports from Denbighshire & Conwy in 2016 was £188m.  Of this £102m – 55% - went to the EU.  For Flintshire and Wrexham total exports amounted to £5,051, of which £4,382 – 87% - went to the EU;

·         Wales is a net beneficiary of the EU, receiving around £245m more from the EU than what we pay in;

·         The UK Government’s Environment Secretary, Michael Gove MP’s, comments earlier this month saying that departure without a deal would cause “turbulence.  It would hit those who are our smaller farmers and smaller food businesses.  It’s a grim but inescapable fact that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the effective tariffs on beef and sheep meat would be above 40% - in some cases well above that”;

·         That every credible economic forecast, shows that Brexit – both with Theresa May’s deal and without, will damage the UK economy;

·         The negotiations over these past two years have exposed the complexities of the various leave options.


This Council recognises that in Denbighshire, 13.5% of all local business units on 10 March 2018 were in the ‘Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing’ industry.  This was the largest business industry classification.


This Council is concerned:

·         of the potential impact of Brexit on the Health and Social Care sectors in Denbighshire;

·         at the potential impact of Brexit on the local economy of Denbighshire.


Given this new information and the details known about the proposed deal, this Council calls on the UK Parliament to put the options now available, including the option to remain a member of the EU, before the people for a People’s Vote.”


At this juncture, Councillor Graham Timms proposed an amendment to the Notice of Motion to state the first sentence only as follows:


“This Council notes, with concern, DCC’s Corporate Risk Register entry for Brexit”.


The amendment was seconded by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts.


A vote took place on the amendment as follows:


(i)            Agree to the amendment of the Notice of Motion – 17

(ii)          Abstain – 2

(iii)         Disagree with the amendment – 16


Therefore, the amendment to the Notice of Motion was approved. 


As the amendment was passed, the amendment then became the substantive Motion which would require a vote as follows:


(i)            Agree to the substantive Motion – 22

(ii)          Abstain – 4

(iii)         Against the substantive Motion – 9


Therefore, following the vote, it was


RESOLVED that the Notice of Motion “This Council notes, with concern, DCC’s Corporate Risk Register entry for Brexit” be agreed by Council.