Agenda item

Agenda item


i.                    People – Mental Well-being (Sian Williams)

ii.                  Community – Community Empowerment (Judith Greenhalgh)

iii.                Place – Environment Resilience (Teresa Owen)

10:00 a.m – 10:45 a.m.


An update on progress with priorities was provided as follows –


i.                People – Mental Well-being


Sian Williams, NRW informed the committee that an update regarding the upcoming workshop would be given at the next PSB meeting. It was explained to members challenges had arose when addressing the wider agencies for aid in coordinating the workshop.


ii.               Community – Community Empowerment


Nicola Kneale (DCC), informed PSB members of the process followed to develop the next steps in the Community Empowerment priority.  A workshop was held in June which was facilitated by Denbighshire County Council with support from Voluntary services in Denbighshire and Conwy.  Members were guided through the report and appendices (previously circulated) particular reference was made to the 3 recommendations included within the report.


Judith Greenhalgh (DCC) added that this work would add value to the PSB priority work without duplication of completed work.


Members discussed in greater detail the impact of ‘social prescribing’, it was felt that a better understanding of the work of the extensive partners in this area would be needed to y assess how the  PSB could add value and offer support in this area.  The Chair requested that further work be undertaken to obtain an overview of social prescribing in the region and identify any governance arrangements in place..


It was agreed by members that a lot of work had been done on Community Empowerment. Thanks were given to Nicola Kneale and Judith Greenhalgh (DCC) for the in-depth information provided. It was agreed that further work and investigation was required. 


iii.         Place – Environment Resilience


Fran Lewis (CCBC) informed members that a workshop had taken place highlighting the proposed actions for delivering Environment Resilience.  Guiding members through the Delivery Plan 2018/19 and the suggested ideas and actions. The workshop had been well attended and contributions had been valuable. Further work is needed to develop a robust working relationship with organisations. Fran Lewis confirmed further work and exploration needed to take place and further information presented to PSB, highlighting the achievement measures.


Members discussed the need to lobby concerns raised to Welsh Government and local Members of Parliament to highlight the work of the PSB.

Concerns were raised regarding sea defence and infrastructure, particularly in regards to Old Colwyn in Conwy county. The Chair confirmed that concerns to certain infrastructure needed to be explored by the Local Resilience Forum with a risk assessment completed to allow the PSB to discuss.


The Chair thanked all officers for the work done to date on the priorities and information provided.


RESOLVED that the progress with priorities be noted, further information and background be provided on

                         I.        Social prescribing – to obtain an overview of social prescribing in the region and identify any governance arrangements in place.

                       II.        Background to the 3 recommendations to Community Empowerment

                      III.        Environmental Resilience – to obtain further information on the sea defences in Old Colwyn and liaise with the Local Resilience Forum.




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