Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of education (copy enclosed) on the recent Authority Estyn Inspection.


The Head of Education and Children Services (HECS), introduced the outcomes of Denbighshire’s 2018 Estyn Inspection report (previously circulated).


The HECS guided members through the report. Reference was made to the vigorous and robust inspection process, including the work officers had completed to obtain information and reports in preparation of the inspection. The HECS stated she was elated with the overall outcome of the inspection and gave thanks and praise to all officers and departments that had contributed and supported the team during the inspection.


The outcomes assessed against Estyn’s new inspection framework were highlighted to members from within the report. It was emphasised that Denbighshire was one of only two authorities to receive excellent for leadership in the last round of inspections. The HECS explained, Estyn had identified the strong moral compass that Denbighshire had demonstrated in providing for young individuals in the county. Following the successful merger between Education and Children Services, Estyn had asked Denbighshire officers to complete a case study to illustrate the process followed to demonstrate to other authorities. Overall the HECS stated that the inspection had been an intense process but the outcome had been positive and rewarding.


During discussion the following matters were raised:

·         Members congratulated the HECS and officers for the outstanding outcome of the inspection. Praise was given to all the departments involved. Members were pleased Estyn had highlighted the work that the authority had completed and ongoing work to engage with schools, parents and young individuals.

·         Out of County Monitoring – The HECS confirmed that monitoring of children in out of County placements had occurred. The inspection had highlighted the monitoring of the commissioned services that provide services. Members heard that there was a limited number of third party providers available when researching out of County placements. As an authority the child’s wellbeing and development had been the main priority.

·         Fixed-term exclusions rate – The HECS confirmed that the rate of fixed term exclusions observed had been high with the number of permanent exclusions having been low. The education officers had been working with schools to address the issues. Emphasis had been made that a good working relationship with schools and head teachers had been established, which created a positive working relationship to obtain the best resources and outcomes for Denbighshire’s children.     

·         Discussions with the link officer to address concerns raised in the inspection report were to take place. The HECS confirmed monitoring of young children in or out of county had taken place and required further explanations from Estyn to fully comprehend what they had based their findings on.

·         Work on the recommendations from the investigation had been scheduled. Progress would be monitored and analysed to be escalated through the scrutiny process allowing evidence to be presented to present work carried out. An action plan to address the recommendations was due to be developed in September following a follow up meeting with the Estyn link investigating member.

·         Home Schooling –The complexity around the choice to home educate children was highlighted. Working relationships with other professionals had been observed. The HECS praised the work of officers, it had been clearly highlighted in the report that work in this area was a particular strength.


The Chair thanked the HECS and officers for the report. He congratulated the department for the progress made in ensuring Denbighshire’s children had the best education, with all resources made available to them. The result of the inspection had been a reflection of the work carried out by the HECS and officers and was to be applauded.


RESOLVED, that the Corporate Governance Committee receive the report and note its contents.


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