Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report (copy enclosed) providing an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 4 2016/17.


RESOLVED that Cabinet receives the report and notes the progress in delivering the Corporate Plan as at the end of quarter 4 of 2016/17.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report updating members on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 4 of 2016/17.


The report included two main elements –


·         Executive Summary – detailed achievements and key exceptions with good performance overall.  Only one outcome had been assessed as Red: Priority for Improvement – Outcome 7 Students achieve their potential, which was an annual indicator (no new data this quarter) as previously reported and discussed.  All other outcomes had been evaluated as acceptable or better, and

·         Full quarterly report – provided an evidence based assessment of the current position focusing on key exceptions.


An explanation behind the status of particular indicators had been included within the report with key issues highlighted and elaborated upon further at the meeting.  Most of the areas were annual indicators with little movement since the last quarter.


During consideration of the report members discussed the following –


·         Outcome 7: Students achieve their potential – for clarity, the Head of Education and Children’s Services explained the background to the current position.  In 2012 the Council had set itself an ambitious target to be the best performing Council in Wales for education attainment.  Estyn measured performance according to the Council’s Free School Meal ranking of which Denbighshire was 14th, and Denbighshire’s level of success was in line with that.  In April 2013 the regional School Improvement Service, GwE, went live and the service was delegated to deliver on behalf of local authorities on a regional basis and resources were directed to those authorities most in need.  As Denbighshire was performing well the approach meant improvement did not continue at the same rate, and although the Council was still achieving positively commensurate with Estyn’s profile of the authority, it had not achieved its ambition.  As there was now greater consistency across the region it was anticipated that Denbighshire’s rate of improvement would increase.  The Leader added that the Council’s ambitions remained high and there was a need to ensure an improving trend.  In terms of future challenges the Head of Service advised that KS2 pupils achieved well but there was a gap in the performance level from KS2 to KS4 and discussions would be held with GwE to ensure the right level of support in that regard.  Councillor Hilditch-Roberts added that as there was now a greater consistency across the region there was a need to strive for a greater level of improvement and he was confident that the next report would reflect that aim.  The Chief Executive advocated greater emphasis on the quality of education in schools rather than the quality of the support service and felt there may be merit is reviewing the target although it should remain ambitious

·         Outcome 8: Improving our roads – the challenge of continually maintaining the quality of the county’s roads was discussed and whether additional investment would be available for that purpose.  It was noted that members would discuss the council’s corporate priorities for investment at full Council in July

·         Outcome 9: New Measure – the number of new placements of adults whom the authority supports in care homes (aged 65 and over).  It was explained that this was a new measure with no figures as yet but its purpose was to identify future trends.  However the overall trend was down because there were now many alternatives to care homes.


RESOLVED that Cabinet receives the report and notes the progress in delivering the Corporate Plan as at the end of quarter 4 of 2016/17.


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