Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance (copy enclosed) presenting an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2016/17.




(a)       Cabinet note the contents of the report;


(b)       that the relevant representatives of the providers of superfast broadband be invited to the relevant scrutiny committee to answer questions and concerns of members in respect of the rollout of superfast broadband in Denbighshire, and


(c)        that an open letter be sent to the Welsh Ministers setting out Cabinet’s concerns regarding the progress of the rollout of superfast broadband in Denbighshire.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report updating members on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2012 – 17 as at the end of quarter 2 of 2016/17.


The report included two main elements –


·         Executive Summary – detailed achievements and key exceptions with good performance overall.  Only one outcome had been assessed as Red: Priority for Improvement – Outcome 7 Students achieve their potential, which was an annual indicator as previously discussed by Cabinet and scrutinised by Performance Scrutiny Committee.  All other outcomes had been evaluated as acceptable or better, and

·         Full quarterly report – provided an evidence based assessment of the current position focusing on key exceptions.


An explanation behind the status of each indicator had been included within the report with key issues elaborated upon further at the meeting.  Most of the areas were annual indicators and there had been little movement since the last quarter.


During consideration of the report members discussed the following –


·         the historical context of the report on the previous quarter was noted and for clarity it was agreed that this be emphasised within the report for readers given that particular matters within the report had since progressed

·         Councillor Barbara Smith reported upon the move from the Council’s own system to the NHS eLearning platform which was currently being developed and she was confident that eLearning would be in place for members by May 2017

·         reference was made to the Well-being Impact Assessment and its influence on decision making and it was explained that the process would be used as a guide to help formulate proposals and inform decisions but assurances were given that it was up to members to make their own decision following that process

·         Councillor Meirick Davies believed that the Corporate Plan Performance Report for Quarter 2 as appended to the report should have been translated.  In line with the Council’s policy officers advised that documents sent out to the public were produced bilingually but in terms of committees, appendices longer than four page sides were not translated.  It was agreed that the matter be referred to the Welsh Language Steering Group for further consideration


In considering those areas which required further scrutiny the following matters were discussed in greater detail –


·         Residents Survey – the disappointing response to the residents survey and lack of high regard for the Council continued to be of concern.  In providing some context to the indicator it was noted that there had been a very small amount of respondents and people were generally likely to respond if they had a negative view.  It was noted that the residents survey had been subject to scrutiny previously and the methodology for undertaking the next residents survey would be considered by Communities Scrutiny Committee early next year

·         Fly tipping – given the increase in fly tipping incidents Councillor Martyn Holland was keen for offenders to be prosecuted but he also believed that legal action should be taken against those using unlicensed collectors to dispose of waste.  The Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services referred to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 advising that such a case would hinge on whether the individual knowingly caused or permitted the offence of fly tipping and had taken all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence in that regard.  It was agreed that the potential to prosecute those individuals be investigated further

·         Outcome 7 Students achieve their potential – this was an annual indicator and therefore would remain red for 2016/17 and was being monitored by scrutiny.  Whilst the position was red overall some aspects had reached the acceptable and excellent threshold.  Councillor Arwel Roberts raised his concerns regarding the standard of education in the county and felt more support should be provided to improve standards.  Councillor Eryl Williams highlighted consistent improvement across educational standards advising that Denbighshire was working towards an ambitious target, hence the red indicator status.  However he was confident that the changes introduced by GwE would further raise standards.  With regard to Wales’ performance in the PISA results the Chief Executive confirmed it was an area of concern which needed to be addressed

·         Superfast Broadband availability – this remained a priority for improvement and members expressed their frustration and concerns regarding the slow progress, lack of information, and inaccurate information from providers in delivering this outcome, highlighting particular problems experienced in their individual wards and detrimental impact on both individuals and business as a result.  It was also felt that the problem was not confined to the rollout of superfast broadband and the issue was compounded by problems with the infrastructure and operational difficulties.  It was noted that the matter had been subject to scrutiny in April 2016 by Performance Scrutiny Committee but little progress had been made since then.  The Corporate Director: Economy and Public Realm provided an update on the latest position advising that some further information had been forthcoming but it was not at the property address level as expected and therefore the information had been requested again in order to identify those not covered in the rollout phase.  That information together with information expected shortly from OfCom on actual broadband coverage would provide a clearer picture of coverage across the county.  It was felt that when the necessary data was received the issue may warrant further discussion at scrutiny.  As an aside some work needed to be undertaken to ascertain why the registration for broadband and take up was limited in those areas in which it was available.  Members considered how best to proceed and progress the matter to a satisfactory conclusion at the earliest opportunity in order to provide assurance to residents and businesses.  It was agreed that the service providers of superfast broadband be invited to the relevant scrutiny committee and that an open letter be sent to Welsh Ministers detailing members’ concerns.




(a)       Cabinet note the contents of the report;


(b)       that the relevant representatives of the providers of superfast broadband be invited to the relevant scrutiny committee to answer questions and concerns of members in respect of the rollout of superfast broadband in Denbighshire, and


(c)        that an open letter be sent to the Welsh Ministers setting out Cabinet’s concerns regarding the progress of the rollout of superfast broadband in Denbighshire.


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