Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Social Care, Adult and Children’s Services (copy enclosed) seeking approval of the Supporting People Commissioning Plan 2017-18 prior to its submission to the Regional Collaborative Committee and Welsh Government in January 2017.


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves the Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan 2017 – 18 prior to its submission to the Regional Collaborative Committee and Welsh Government in January 2017.


Councillor Bobby Feeley presented the report seeking Cabinet approval of the Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan 2017 – 18 prior to its submission to the Regional Collaborative Committee and Welsh Government in January 2017.


Supporting People (SP) was a Welsh Government funding stream providing housing related support to vulnerable people to enable them to live as independently as possible and delivered a number of the requirements of the Housing Act (Wales) 2014, the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.  The Plan provided an update on SP’s commissioning for the next financial year including strategic plans and priorities together with proposals to manage possible ongoing reductions to the SP Grant (the plan was currently modelled on a 0% reduction as the latest indications were that the grant for 2017-18 had been protected from further cut, but also included contingency planning for 5%).  The grant was ring-fenced by Welsh Government for SP however the allocation of the grant and any cuts would have an impact upon other services.  Reference was also made to the consultation on the LCP and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee had made minor amendments which had been reflected in the report.


Cabinet acknowledged the importance of the Plan and raised questions regarding its sufficiency and effectiveness in preventing homelessness together with work in developing the Homelessness Strategy.  Questions were also raised regarding the trend in Denbighshire, impact of welfare reforms, and education of young people.


The Lead Member and officers responded to questions and comments as follows –


·         elaborated upon the range of services as described in the Plan aimed at preventing homelessness which was provided to a wide range of groups with complex needs and reference was also made to legislative duties and further development of preventative measures which remained the current focus

·         the development of the Homelessness Strategy was a key means of strengthening the approach to prevention and a comprehensive homeless review was being undertaken – it was hoped the Strategy would be in place by March 2017 and included key actions on a range of issues and improving the type of resources available including a move away from bed and breakfast accommodation and provision of a better range of housing

·         most people presenting themselves as homeless had other issues to deal with such as financial difficulties or issues relating to mental health, substance abuse and criminality and it was imperative to take a multi-agency approach to ensure the appropriate level of support was provided

·         the partnership approach had been strengthened and the Homelessness Forum re-established which had a key role in developing the Homelessness Strategy together with the Homelessness Prevention Steering Group

·         there had been an increase in young people requiring services recently and there was now a greater focus as part of the Young People’s Pathways on further prevention and a much more coordinated approach to stop recurrent homelessness.  Councillor Eryl Williams elaborated on measures undertaken in the education system to ensure young people were less vulnerable to homelessness including financial management and early intervention

·         reported upon the good work undertaken in Denbighshire supporting a range of projects with partners funded by the SP grant including the recently opened Ty Golau Shelter in Rhyl

·         the impact of welfare reform changes was also discussed which would be a major challenge and a partnership approach was being undertaken to address that risk – all agencies involved were proactively trying to identify households adversely affected to ensure people were prepared for the changes

·         in terms of the regional approach Denbighshire had taken a lead role and there was little risk that the regional plan would not be supported by the other local authorities – whilst there was an overarching regional plan each of the six local authorities also had their own commissioning plan but all had consistency of approach in terms of early intervention and prevention

·         the process for dealing with people presenting themselves as homeless was explained together with the need to identify which authority was responsible for addressing their needs in the first instance, this included a reconnection policy linked to funding to reconnect people as appropriate.


Councillor Feeley paid tribute to the work undertaken by the SP team and it was –


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves the Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan 2017 – 18 prior to its submission to the Regional Collaborative Committee and Welsh Government in January 2017.


Supporting documents: