Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 20156/17 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)       approves that the current and previous year’s underspend within the ICT service be transferred into the IT Networks Development Reserve to fund the specific modernisation projects described in Section 6 of the report and receive periodic progress reports on delivery, and


(c)        approves the formal write-off of sundry debtor balances amounting to £37,599 relating to Clwyd Leisure Ltd which had already been provided for in full.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report detailing the latest financial position and service budgets for 2016/17.  He provided a summary of the Council’s financial position as follows –


·        a net underspend of £0.909m was forecast for service and corporate budgets

·        68% of savings had been achieved to date (target 5.2m) with a further 2% making good progress; 25% would be deferred and achieved in 2017/18 with only 5% of savings not being achieved within the timeframe

·        highlighted current risks and assumptions relating to individual service areas

·        a general update on the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Capital Plan and the Capital Plan (including the Corporate Plan element).


Cabinet was also asked to approve the transfer of the ICT Service underspend into the IT Networks Development Reserve to fund specific modernisation projects together with the write off of sundry debtor balances relating to Clwyd Leisure Ltd.


The following matters were raised during debate –


·         with regard to the Ysgol Glan Clwyd project Councillor Eryl Williams was pleased to confirm that the move to the new block would begin the next week

·         the Chief Finance Officer reported upon the Welsh Government’s requirement for local authorities to retrospectively provide information on previous years major housing repairs which would prove onerous and difficult to provide given there had been no requirement to record that information at the time.  Officers were in dialogue with Welsh Government and confident that the matter would be resolved satisfactorily.  A further update would be provided in the next report

·         Councillor Bobby Feeley highlighted the financial pressures on Community Support Services and Children’s Services and whilst those pressures could be contained during the current financial year there was a long term concern

·         the request to transfer the ICT underspend into the IT Networks Development Reserve was discussed further with the Leader seeking assurance regarding the consistency of approach for services when dealing with underspends given that the underspend would be retained for two years and there were existing pressures in other areas.  Councillor Barbara Smith explained the underspend in ICT related to earlier realisation of efficiencies via the restructure and the intention was to place the underspend in a reserve to help fund the Corporate ICT Strategy over a two year plan in 2017/18 and 2018/19 as set out within the report.  If Cabinet was not minded to retain the underspend to fund the ICT Strategy the funding would need to be found from elsewhere in the future.  Members were also advised of the longer lead in times generally for ICT work and that the ICT Strategy supported other service areas

·         Councillor Meirick Davies asked whether the CYSILL programme (a software package on Welsh spelling and grammar) could be rolled out across the Council and it was suggested it may be a matter for the Welsh Language Steering Group to consider.  Councillor Davies also raised concern regarding the quality of particular technical information translated and officers reported upon the excellent service received via Conwy County Borough Council’s Translation Service who welcomed feedback to ensure continual improvement.  It was suggested Councillor Davies contact the Democratic Services Manager directly to feedback in that regard.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 20156/17 and progress against the agreed budget strategy;


(b)       approves that the current and previous year’s underspend within the ICT service be transferred into the IT Networks Development Reserve to fund the specific modernisation projects described in Section 6 of the report and receive periodic progress reports on delivery, and


(c)        approves the formal write-off of sundry debtor balances amounting to £37,599 relating to Clwyd Leisure Ltd which had already been provided for in full.


Supporting documents: