Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Bodlondeb, Conwy, LL32 8DU
No. | Item | |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Andy Jones – National Probation Service Gary Doherty – Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Sioned Rees – Welsh Government Representative Teresa Owen – Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (Public Health Wales Representative) Councillor Hugh Evans – Lead Member of Denbighshire County Council
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2018 (copy enclosed). Minutes: The minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Service Board (PSB) held on the 19 June 2018 were presented for approval. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the Conwy and Denbighshire PSB held on the 19 June 2018 be approved. |
PSB and Regional
Partnership Board update (Letter attached) b. PSB scrutiny Update (Verbal update) c. Date for the diary – ‘Health Boards’
development session 09:30 a.m. – 09:45 a.m. Minutes: a. PSB
and Regional Partnership Board update It was highlighted to members the attached
letter had requested members feedback regarding the role of PSB. It was confirmed
that a review had taken place of the Part 9 board and a report was scheduled
for the next Chief Executive meeting. Following
discussions the committee concluded to postpone a response to the Future
Generations Commissioner for Wales’s letter until information from the Chief
Executive Group meeting are received. RESOLVED that, following the Chief Executive Group
meeting to discuss the Part 9 review, members to discuss the outcomes and
respond to Future Generations Commissioner for Wales’s
letter. b.
PSB scrutiny Update It was confirmed that both Conwy County Borough Council and Denbighshire
County Council had received and scrutinised the proposal for a Joint Scrutiny
Committee. It was highlighted that the next stage of development was to have
formal approval from full Council at both Councils. Following that decision the
practical formalities of formulating a joint committee would commence. It was
anticipated that if the joint scrutiny arrangements are approved, the first
committee would meet in the new financial year. c.
Date for the diary – ‘Health Boards’ development session Nicola Kneale
(DCC) informed members the date confirmed for the Academy Wales workshop was
the afternoon of the 28th January 2019. The Chair asked
members to consult with officers to prepare opinions and questions prior to the
workshop. |
FUTURES FOR WALES REPORT To receive a verbal update on Futures for Wales report. 09:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Minutes: Fran Lewis –
Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager (Conwy CBC), introduced the
report on ‘Futures for wales’. Members were
informed the report had previously been published and had included 14
recommendations that had been aimed at PSBs. The Summary report had detailed
the long term plan for Wales. Members explored the executive summary in detail. The Chair explained
that the reports purpose had been to inform PSBs of work that will shape what
Wales will look like in the future.
Present times make future aspirations difficult to aspire to. Members were
grateful for the report and felt that forward planning information was
important. A concern raised by members was that no examples of what could
potentially happen in the future had been included in the report if certain
aspects change. It was felt this would be important to gain a comprehensive
understanding. Helen Wilkinson Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council
stated a number of factors can influence and change the future and they need to
be taken into account and looked into more. Helen Wilkinson volunteered if
members agreed, to complete some work on future scenario planning and bring her
findings back to a future PSB meeting. The Chair thanked Helen Wilkinson for the offer and members agreed to the
proposed work on future scenario planning. RESOLVED i.
that the update be received and its contents noted. ii.
Further work to be
completed into future scenario planning and be reported on at a future
meeting. |
– Mental Well-being (Sian Williams) ii.
– Community Empowerment (Judith Greenhalgh) iii.
– Environment Resilience (Teresa Owen) 10:00 a.m – 10:45 a.m. Additional documents:
Minutes: An update on
progress with priorities was provided as follows – i.
– Mental Well-being Sian
Williams, NRW informed the committee that an update regarding the upcoming
workshop would be given at the next PSB meeting. It was explained to members challenges
had arose when addressing the wider agencies for aid in coordinating the
workshop. ii.
– Community Empowerment Nicola Kneale (DCC), informed PSB
members of the process followed to develop the next steps in the Community
Empowerment priority. A workshop was
held in June which was facilitated by Denbighshire County Council with support
from Voluntary services in Denbighshire and Conwy. Members were guided through the report and
appendices (previously circulated) particular reference was made to the 3
recommendations included within the report. Judith Greenhalgh
(DCC) added that this work would add value to the PSB priority work without
duplication of completed work. Members discussed in greater detail
the impact of ‘social prescribing’, it was felt that a better understanding of
the work of the extensive partners in this area would be needed to y assess how
the PSB could add value and offer
support in this area. The Chair
requested that further work be undertaken to obtain an overview of social
prescribing in the region and identify any governance arrangements in place.. It was agreed by members that a lot
of work had been done on Community Empowerment. Thanks were given to Nicola
Kneale and Judith Greenhalgh (DCC) for the in-depth information
provided. It was agreed that further work and investigation was required. iii. Place – Environment Resilience Fran Lewis (CCBC) informed members that a workshop had taken place
highlighting the proposed actions for delivering Environment Resilience. Guiding members through the Delivery Plan
2018/19 and the suggested ideas and actions. The workshop had been well
attended and contributions had been valuable. Further work is needed to develop
a robust working relationship with organisations. Fran Lewis confirmed further
work and exploration needed to take place and further information presented to
PSB, highlighting the achievement measures. Members discussed the need to lobby concerns raised to Welsh Government
and local Members of Parliament to highlight the work of the PSB. Concerns were raised regarding sea defence and infrastructure,
particularly in regards to Old Colwyn in Conwy county.
The Chair confirmed that concerns to certain infrastructure needed to be
explored by the Local Resilience Forum with a risk assessment completed to
allow the PSB to discuss. The Chair thanked all officers for the work done to date on the
priorities and information provided. RESOLVED that the progress with priorities be noted,
further information and background be provided on
Social prescribing – to obtain
an overview of social prescribing in the region and identify any governance
arrangements in place.
Background to the 3 recommendations to
Community Empowerment
Environmental Resilience – to obtain
further information on the sea defences in Old Colwyn and liaise with the Local
Resilience Forum.
At this junction it was agreed by members to change the order of reports to accommodate guest speakers. |
OVERVIEW OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR CONWY AND DENBIGHSHIRE To receive a presentation by James Harland (CCBC) and Angela Loftus (DCC) on the Local Development Plans for Conwy and Denbighshire. 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Minutes: James Harland (CCBC) and Angela Loftus (DCC)
presented an update on the Local Development Plans for Conwy and Denbighshire. It was explained to members that both Conwy
and Denbighshire had a statutory requirement to have a local development plan
(LDP). Both Councils were in the early stages of development. James Harland explained that Conwy’s first
stage would be consultation towards the end of 2018 to identify any issues and
prepare for further development. The
vision and objectives needed to be in line with requirements and policies.
Angela Loftus echoed the sentiments, emphasising the lengthy and highly
regulated process that the LDP involved.
Members were informed that a Strategic Planning group had been
stablished in Denbighshire to monitor work. Both Conwy and Denbighshire had requested
evidence of potential sites for development from the public. Work to publicise
this request had been ongoing. James and Angela confirmed that they would continue to keep the PSB informed of
developments throughout the process.. A number of issues were raised during
discussion, including – ·
priority will involve dementia care in the community - it was confirmed that
community and elderly projects would be established and included in planning
policy. ·
food retailers - Officers confirmed supplementary planning guidance had
provided information on changing classes for food retail. It had been difficult
to control as changes to planning permission had made it easier to grant
permission. ·
Bodelwyddan – It
was confirmed that the site was within the Local Development Plan and had been
granted planning permission. The site had been linked to the Growth Bid and
monitoring had continued. ·
Dr surgeries – Confirmed they are struggling to obtain
information on Dr surgeries. The Chair thanked both officers for their
time and for answering the concerns raised by members. It was agreed that a
further update be provided at a later stage of development. RESOLVED that
At this junction (11:30
a.m.) there was a 15 minute comfort break. The meeting
reconvened at 11:45 a.m. |
EMBEDDING PSB PRIORITIES/ WORK INTO MEMBER ORGANISATIONS To receive a verbal report on embedding PSB Priorities/ work into member organisations. 10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Minutes: Fran Lewis (CCBC)
asked members to aid the work on embedding the PSB priorities in third party
organisations. Supporting work by officers on the priorities to report back to
PSB was key. The Chair echoed
the need to emphasis the PSB’s priorities with officers. It was highlighted
that it was the responsibility of members to feedback to expert officers’
actions from the PSB committee to embed into daily work ethics. RESOLVED that members receive and note
the update. |
FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES To consider a verbal report by the Chair on the PSB funding opportunities. 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Minutes: The Chair
introduced the verbal update on funding opportunities for the PSB. Members were
reminded of the previous discussion held at the last meeting in June.
Investigation into available funding had been collated with work continuing to
be looked in to. The Chair confirmed
that Conwy County Borough Council had been included in a pilot scheme of
flexible funding. It was felt that it was important for PSB to be informed of
progress with the pilot scheme. Discussions with
Welsh Government regarding the difficulty securing funding had continued. It
was agreed that work on the PSB priorities had to be cost effective and
reported to evidence to Welsh Government the difficulties faced. RESOLVED that
funding concerns be recorded and reported back to PSB at a later date to
evidence findings to Welsh Government. Members requested the work completed to
date on available funding be circulated to members. |
HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE PLAN To receive a verbal report on the Health and Social Care plan. 11:45 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Minutes: The Chair guided
members through the presentation entitled ‘A Healthier Wales’. The presentation
illustrated the ambition to combine health and social care services. To provide
the needs of individuals in a healthy manner. Some of the key
points highlighted to members included: ·
role of PSB ·
review of the governance arrangements ·
Transformation fund that Regional Partnership Boards can bid for funding. The Chair
emphasised the need to scrutinise the PSB priorities to demonstrate the need
for funding to create a business case to take forward when requesting
additional funds. Clusters of working
organisations within the community will work more closely with each other to
support and deliver a better service to individuals. The Chair stressed that a
number of clusters were currently in operation within Conwy and Denbighshire,
work would have to be done to increase closer working moving forward. A number of
questions were raised in relation to the transformation fund which included how
would it affect the PSB working and its priorities. The Chair stressed to
members the need to monitor the development of the plan for Health and Social
Care. Members thanked the
Chair for the presentation and the in depth explanation. Members raised a concern over the level of
resources and staff in Health and Social Services. It was concluded the
transformation would involve a large amount of work and would need to be
robust. It was agreed that funding in Wales would be positive and significantly
move services forward. It was agreed that the PSB monitor and report and
significant developments back to members. RESOLVED
that the presentation and information
be received, noted and circulated to members. With any developments be
presented at future PSB meetings.
INTERIM PRIORITIES a. First 1000 days (Teresa Owen) b. Communication (Iwan Davies) 12:05 p.m. – 12:20 p.m. Minutes: a. First
1000 days No
update at present. b. Communication
Davies (CCBC) updated members with the work that had been carried out up to
date regarding the communication of PSB and its work. The
following points were raised – ·
meetings are now public (excluding exempt agenda items) ·
summary of the PSB meeting is circulated as a newsletter to all organisations ·
are circulated to all PSB members to table within their organisations ·
social media messages are scheduled on the County Conversation Facebook and
Twitter account. The account also shares/ retweets relevant
organisational messages ·
ability to work in each other’s buildings is now feasible owing to Crwydro (subject to security). ·
There have
not been any further joint approaches to community engagement since the
development of the PSB well-being Plan. ·
are open to the idea of allowing staff from partner organisations to hot desk
from their buildings. However this is taking place on a casual basis, or
on an individual case by case basis. ·
partners are not in a position to offer open access at this time – mainly due
to space restrictions. It was concluded that the level of progress made on communication to
date was acceptable. Members agreed the need to emphasis to members and the public that PSB
meetings are public meetings and all are invited to attend. Nicola Kneale (DCC) informed the committee that a workshop for Town,
City and Community Councils was being proposed to highlight the work of PSB to
date and establish how/where we can work together in the future. RESOLVED that members receive and note the update. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME The Chair will lead on this item. 12:20 p.m. – 12:25 p.m. Minutes: The PSBs Forward
Work Programme (FWP) (previously circulated) was presented for consideration.
Members confirmed the agenda and reports due at the next PSB meeting in
December 2018. ·
Wales Growth Bid Update ·
on the PSB Priorities ·
up from Reginal PSB Board meetings and Part 9 Governance Board paper (Date to
be confirmed) ·
Council – Corporate Plan Update ·
of Risk Register RESOLVED that,
the work programme be approved. |
· Youth Resettlement Inspection 12:25 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Additional documents:
Minutes: A
report on the Youth Resettlement Inspection was circulated to members for
information. |
The meeting concluded at 12:25 p.m. |