Agenda and draft minutes
Contact: Committee Administrator Email:
No. | Item |
Due to the current
restrictions on travel and requirement for social distancing as a result of the
coronavirus pandemic the meeting was held remotely by video conference and was
not open to the general public. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No Declarations of Interest. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING To receive the minutes of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education held on 2 February 2021 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the Standing
Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) meeting held on 2 February
2021 (previously circulated) were submitted. RESOLVED that the minutes of the SACRE meeting held
on 2 February 2021 be received and approved as a correct record. |
CONFIRMATION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR To confirm the Chair and Vice-Chair of the current term of office. Minutes: The RE Advisor advised Members that the Chair and Vice-Chair would change in the Autumn term. The current Vice-Chair, Dominic Oakes, would not be able to take on the role of Chair due to work commitments. Therefore, the RE Advisor requested nominations be sent to him prior to the October meeting. RESOLVED that nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair
be sent to the RE Advisor prior to the October SACRE meeting. |
CURRICULUM FOR WALES RELIGION, VALUES AND ETHICS (RVE) GUIDANCE To agree a response to the Welsh Government consultation on the publication of Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) guidance. Consultation closes 16th July 2021. (copy attached) a) Consultation Documents: o b) Guidance Document: Minutes: The RE Advisor presented the Curriculum for
Wales Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) Guidance report. The RE Advisor informed
Members that the Welsh Government were consulting on the publication of Religion, Values
and Ethics (RVE) guidance. This guidance
may become a substantial part of Denbighshire Agreed Syllabus. Prior to the meeting, links had been
circulated to all SACRE members which were the consultation documentation
together with guidance to the consultation. St. Giles Church in Wales, Wrexham had put
together a video which gave a clear overview of the consultation. The consultation video contained the seven
lenses: ·
Search for meaning and purpose ·
The natural world and living things ·
Identity and belonging ·
Authority and influence ·
Relationships and responsibilities ·
Values and ethics ·
The journey of life The RE Advisor went through the
questionnaire which contained 10 questions and stated that if Members could
take the time to re-watch the video again and go through the consultation
document they could forward further questions or statements to him prior to the
first week in July. Members responded during the
meeting to the various questions and confirmed they would scrutinise the
consultation document and respond to the RE Advisor prior to the first week in
July. RESOLVED that SACRE Members discussed and agreed
responses to the Consultation document. |
ENCOURAGING DIVERSITY OF REPRESENTATION ON SACRE To discuss how the representation of the diverse beliefs held with Denbighshire could support the work of SACRE as it continues to advise the Local Authority and support schools. (copy attached) Minutes: The RE Advisor presented the Encouraging
Diversity of Representation on SACRE report. In the previous meeting, members had noted
the lack of representation of diversity on SACRE. Members discussed how the representation of
the diverse beliefs held by residents of Denbighshire could support the work of
SACRE as it continued to advise the Local Authority and supported schools. It was confirmed that there
had been changes in a large number of schools to provide for a variety of faiths. It had been difficult to have representations
on SACRE from some faiths eg: Muslim and
humanists. To be a representative on
SACRE would be an opportunity for members of different faiths to have their
voices heard. As Councillors were aware of
the different faiths within their relevant communities, a list could be
compiled of a contact for the different faith representatives. City Town and Community Councils could be
contacted to ascertain which faith utilised the community centres. It was confirmed an action
plan would be put together during the summer and it would be utilised as a
living document for the future. RESOLVED that the report was discussed how SACRE
could draw on the diverse views eg: representation or
presentations received by Members. An
Action Plan to be put together and presented to members in the Autumn. |
To receive the minutes of the Spring meeting
23rd March and a verbal update of the Summer meeting 16th
June 2021. (copy attached) Additional documents:
Minutes: The RE Advisor, Phil Lord,
confirmed he had attended a WASACRE meeting the previous week. The minutes of the spring meeting
which had taken place on 23 March had been previously circulated for Members
information. RESOLVED that SACRE Members: ·
Receive the minutes of the Spring meeting 23rd
March. ·
Receive a verbal update of the Summer meeting 16th
June 2021. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 20 October 2021 Minutes: The date of the next SACRE meeting would be 20 October 2021 |
The meeting concluded
at 12:03 p.m. |