Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin LL15 1YN
Contact: Committee Administrator Email:
No. | Item |
SILENT REFLECTION The meeting began with a few minutes silent reflection. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR - FROM RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS To appoint a Chair from the Religious Denominations Representatives for the remainder of the 2019 term. Minutes: Councillor Emrys Wynne proposed, seconded by Councillor
Ellie Chard that Mr. Dominic Oakes be appointed Chair for the remainder of the
2019 term. RESOLVED that Mr. Dominic
Oakes be appointed Chair of Denbighshire SACRE for the remainder of the 2019
term. |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Councillor Tony Flynn, Reverend Martin Evan-Jones and
Reverend Brian Jones |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: The following members declared a personal interest – Councillor Ellie Chard – Agenda Item 9 – previously worked
at Ysgol Mair Councillor Emrys Wynne – Agenda Item 9 – Governor Ysgol Brynhyfryd |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 180 KB (a) To receive the notes of the last meeting held on 4 July 2018 (copy enclosed), and (b) to receive and approve the minutes of the Denbighshire SACRE meeting held on 5 February 2018 (copy enclosed) Additional documents: Minutes: The notes of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious
Education (SACRE) meeting held on 4 July 2018 (previously circulated) together
with the minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 5 February 2018 (previously
circulated) were submitted. RESOLVED that the notes of the
SACRE meeting held on 4 July 2018 and minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 5
February 2018 be received and approved. |
SACRE DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 PDF 118 KB To consider and approve the draft SACRE Annual Report 2017/18 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior School
Improvement Officer (SSIO) presented the draft Annual Report for Denbighshire
SACRE 2017/18 (previously circulated) for approval. The report provided details of SACRE’s
activities during the previous academic year including advice given to the
local authority together with other local and national matters. Members were advised that
Mr. Philip Lord was no longer the RE Adviser for SACRE and the local authority
would be providing professional support to SACRE in future. The SSIO would be taking over that role in
the interim pending a formal replacement.
The draft Annual Report had been prepared by Mr. Lord and subsequently
updated by the SSIO for SACRE approval. During presentation of the
report members’ attention was drawn to the following – ·
Agreed Syllabus – no
changes had been proposed pending publication of the findings of the curriculum
review ·
Examination Results –
the number of pupils entering examinations had decreased in line with the
reduction of pupils on roll with a projected further decrease in pupil numbers
over the next three years followed by an increase in the current Year Groups 7
& 8; it was disappointing to note a decline in results and whilst a trend
had not been identified, RE results did tend to fluctuate – the dip could be
explained by schools having to deal with new GCSE specifications and
comparisons with next year’s results would give a clearer indication in that
regard – if SACRE considered it an area of concern the matter could be
recommended to GwE for further investigation; A Level Results had not been
included in the agenda pack and would be emailed separately to members – 21
fewer pupils sat an A Level in Religious Studies than the previous year and whilst
the overall A* – C rate had declined, the number of A* grades had increased ·
Methods of Teaching –
there had been no changes to methods of teaching ·
Teacher Training – it
had not been possible during the year to make a visit to or receive a visit
from an Initial Teacher Training Institute.
There had been some changes to teacher training and further detail would
be provided at the next SACRE meeting ·
Inspection Reports –
the inspection profile had been good and no issues had been raised in relation
to Religious Studies and Religious Education or Collective Worship over the
last twelve months. During debate members
expressed their disappointment that GwE, and in particular Mr. Philip Lord, was
no longer involved with SACRE and tribute was paid to Mr. Lord’s
professionalism, expertise and valuable support he had provided to SACRE. Members agreed that a letter of appreciation
be sent to Mr. Lord together with their best wishes to him for the future. The SSIO advised that
WASACRE held termly meetings for which SACRE was entitled to send
representatives and it was noted that Denbighshire had not been represented at
the last meeting held in November 2018 in Llantwit
Major. It was agreed that Councillor
Emrys Wynne would represent Denbighshire SACRE at the next meeting to be held
on 26 March 2019 in Cardiff but if he was unable to attend then Councillor
Ellie Chard would attend instead. It was
noted that no further dates had been set for future WASACRE meetings although
the meeting in summer 2019 would be held in Conwy. In terms of whether it was possible to claim
expenses for attendance at WASACRE meetings officers agreed to take up the
issue and report back to members thereon. RESOLVED that – (a) the Annual Report of Denbighshire SACRE for 2017 – 2018 be approved as an accurate account of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
EXAMINATION RESULTS 2018 PDF 8 KB To review the verified Religious Education KS4 and Post 16 examination results of Denbighshire’s secondary schools (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior School
Improvement Officer (SSIO) presented the verified Religious Education KS4
examination results of Denbighshire’s secondary schools (previously circulated)
for members’ consideration. Members considered the results of both the GCSE full course
and short course examinations and were disappointed to note the low number of
pupils sitting those examinations highlighting that the majority of pupils in
Denbighshire’s schools had not sat an RE examination during that academic year. The exception was Prestatyn
High School which historically performed well in terms of entering pupils for
the full course and members congratulated the school in that regard. The benefits of a rounded education and the
value in Religious Education whether or not it resulted in a qualification was
acknowledged by SACRE. However members
were keen to encourage schools to enter more pupils for RE examinations and
discussed with the SSIO whether there were any practical measures which could
be implemented to achieve that aim. The
SSIO explained the recent change in emphasis and points accrued across a
broader range of subjects which may have an impact on future pupil numbers
sitting RE examinations. In terms of
encouraging take up of RE examinations the SSIO agreed to raise the issue at
the next Headteachers Federation meeting and to keep
the matter under close review. It was
also suggested that the issue could be taken up by the Schools Standards
Monitoring Group. With regard to the
general reduction in pupils on roll and correlation with the decline in the
number of pupils sitting RE examinations, the SSIO agreed to undertake further
research into that element in order to provide a better indicator when
considering future years’ performance. RESOLVED that, subject to
members’ comments and actions above, the Examination Results 2018 report be
received and noted. |
ESTYN INSPECTION PROCESS AND REPORTS PDF 8 KB To consider the results of recent school Estyn Inspections undertaken in three schools (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior School Improvement Officer (SSIO)
submitted a report (previously circulated) informing members of the new
inspection framework for schools introduced in September 2017. In providing an overview of the new process
the following was highlighted – ·
schools would be given two weeks’ notice of an inspection – this would
leave less time to prepare but result in a better reflection of the school and
less pressure on staff ·
there would be a twelve month gap in inspections as a result of the new
curriculum however Estyn would continue to inspect
failing schools ·
schools would be inspected twice in six years rather than once ·
the new inspection focused on pupil progress
and review providing a more accurate picture with an equally challenging
approach. Section 50 inspections were for schools that
had a religious character and taught denominational religious education. Sections 50 inspections had been carried out
at three primary schools during 2017/18 – Ysgol Esgob Morgan, Ysgol Tremeirchion and Ysgol
Llanbedr. All three schools had good
faith inspections with no concerns raised.
Members were pleased to note the positive inspection outcomes and good
features identified. RESOLVED that the report
be received and noted. |
NEW CATHOLIC SCHOOL, RHYL PDF 7 KB To consider a report informing members of the progress of the new Christ the Word Catholic School and its readiness to open in September 2019 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior School
Improvement Officer (SSIO) presented a report (previously circulated) informing
members of the progress of the new Christ the Word Catholic School – Ysgol Gatholig Crist y Gair and its readiness to open in September 2019. Christ the Word Catholic
School was an impressive new build which would open in September 2019 to
replace Ysgol Mair and Blessed Edward Jones Catholic
High School. The new school had been
funded in partnership by the Council and Welsh Government through its 21st
Century Schools Programme and could cater for 420
full time pupils aged 3 – 11 and 500 pupils aged 11 – 16. It was acknowledged that more time needed to
be spent on marketing the school to increase pupil numbers and there were plans
to develop a new website and to use social media as promotional tools. A new Headteacher,
Amanda Preston, had recently been appointed who was very experienced with a
proven track record. The building work
was progressing well and remained on target and members were shown some footage
illustrating the plans for the building and school facilities and copies of the
school prospectus were also made available. In terms of demographics
the SSIO confirmed there were sufficient numbers to fill the school and there
would be no impact on St. Brigid’s School which was also full. With regard to teacher recruitment, being a
practicing Catholic was ‘desirable’ rather than ‘essential’ criteria for the post. In response to SACRE’s request the SSIO
confirmed he would make arrangements for the next spring term meeting of SACRE
in 2020 to be held at the new school and provide a tour of the facilities. RESOLVED that the progress
report and presentation on the new Christ the Word Catholic School be received
and noted. |
NEW CURRICULUM FOR WALES PDF 7 KB To receive a presentation (copy enclosed) on the new Curriculum for Wales. Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior School Improvement Officer (SSIO)
delivered a power point presentation on Religious Education and the new
Curriculum for Wales. Members’ attention was drawn to the
following – ·
the key recommendations arising from the curriculum review ·
the timeline for implementation of the new curriculum and assessment
arrangements which would be made available for feedback in April 2019 ·
the four purposes (1) ambitious, capable learners, (2) ethical, informed
citizens, (3) enterprising, creative contributors, and (4) healthy, confident
individuals ·
the six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs)
with Religious Education being part of the Humanities element as opposed to a
specific subject ·
the ‘What matters’ key concepts across the AoLEs
to identify the key elements that all learners should experience within their
areas ·
wider RE policy to consider including the description of an agreed
syllabus; RE in school sixth forms; RE in school nursery classes and withdrawal
from RE ·
the need to ensure that the agreed syllabus supported the Humanities AoLE and ensuring a place for RE in the new curriculum and
parity with other subjects ·
a new supporting framework for RE to be developed to support the new
curriculum for Wales with a group being established for that purpose. Members noted the place of Religious
Education in the new curriculum for Wales and the group being established to
develop the supporting framework for RE involving a range of specialist sources
and expertise. The Chair felt it would
be useful for the new curriculum and assessment arrangements to be circulated
to SACRE members for consideration when they became available in April 2019. The SSIO also agreed to invite an officer
from GwE to a future SACRE meeting to provide an overview of the new
curriculum. RESOLVED that – (a) the presentation on
Religious Education and the new Curriculum for Wales be received and noted; (b) the SSIO circulate the new curriculum and assessment
arrangements to SACRE members once they became available in April 2019, and (c) the SSIO to invite an
officer from GwE to a future SACRE meeting to provide an overview of the new
curriculum. Prior to the close of the meeting it was
noted that the next SACRE meeting had been scheduled for 10.00 a.m. on
Wednesday 26 June 2019 in County Hall, Ruthin.
At the Chair’s request the SSIO agreed to look into the possibility of
holding that meeting in Ysgol Dinas Bran, Llangollen. The meeting concluded at 11.20 a.m. |