Agenda and draft minutes
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No. | Item | |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies received. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were sought for a Member to serve as the
Committee’s Chair for the ensuing year. Lay Member Nigel Rudd nominated Lay
Member Dave Stewart, seconded by Councillor Mark Young. No other nominations
were received and it was therefore; RESOLVED that Lay Member Dave Stewart be appointed as the
Governance and Audit Committee’s Chair for the ensuing year. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were sought for a Member to serve as the Committee’s
Vice Chair for the ensuing year. Councillor Ellie Chard nominated Councillor
Mark Young, seconded by Councillor Andrea Tomlin. No other nominations were
received and it was therefore; RESOLVED that
Councillor Mark Young be appointed as the Governance and Audit Committee’s Vice
Chair for the ensuing year. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mark Young, declared a personal interest in agenda item 13 - As he was a school Governor at Denbigh High School. The Chair, Lay Member David Stewart declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 and agenda item 7 as he was a recipient of a Clwyd Pension fund pension and was a member on the Governance and Audit committee on Wrexham County Borough Council. |
URGENT MATTERS Notice of items, which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on 26 April (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the
Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on the 26 April 2023 were presented
for consideration. Matters Arising – Councillor Tomlin informed members that the report on Recruitment and Retention was due to be presented to be presented to the Performance Scrutiny Committee in June, but had been deferred to the July committee meeting. In response to members concern on the status of the Statement of Accounts the Head of Finance confirmed the work on assets had been completed. Audit Wales had received the findings to assess in principal before the final draft accounts report was presented to them in full. The September deadline for the report to be presented to committee was still achievable. RESOLVED, subject to the above that the minutes
of the Governance and Audit committee held on 26 April 2023 be received and
approved as a correct record. |
COUNCIL PERFORMANCE SELF-ASSESSMENT 2022 TO 2023 PDF 209 KB To receive a report on the Council Performance Self-Assessment 2022 to
2023 (copy enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for
Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets along with the Interim Head of
Service Corporate Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets and Planning
and Performance Officer guided members through the report (previously
circulated). The Lead Member
stressed this self-assessment was based on the new Corporate Plan. A great
amount of work had been placed in to the report and the attachments from
officers, Cabinet, SLT etc. The report presented
to the committee were statutory reports and provided members the opportunity to
assess if the authority was achieving what it set out to in accordance with the
Corporate Plan. Officers confirmed appendix 2 was a quarterly performance report based on the Corporate plan and overview of governance areas, which was a statutory document. Which responded to the authorities’ duties under the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Equalities Act and the Local Government and Elections Act. It was stressed this was the first performance review of the new Corporate Plan and would be used as a baseline for future self-assessments going forward. Appendix 2 was
presented to Performance Scrutiny committee along with Cabinet, to receive an
update of the performance report 4 times a year, quarter 1 and 3 were received
virtually via email with quarter 2 and 4 are tabled at a meeting for a
discussion. Appendix 1
was the self-assessment. It was a statutory instrument under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act
2021. That document was
presented to Governance and Audit Committee annually along with County Council
and the Performance Scrutiny Committee. The report took stock of how the
authority was performing against the Corporate Plan and the objectives set in
the plan, and the extent to which our performance was resulting in positive
outcomes and how well our governance was supporting continuous improvement. The
self-assessment also had to make reference to the stakeholder’s survey. Each
year the authority was required to hold a stakeholder survey that took into
account the views of local people in the county. The survey was available online,
with hard copies available in libraries from 7 November 22 to 18 March 23. 630 Respondents
were received. The results
of the survey could be found in the self-assessment. One of the
main reasons for the self-assessment was to assess the extent to which the authority’s
performance was driving improvement in outcomes for people and an analysis of
how effective the governance arrangements in supporting improvement in the council
was. It was hoped that the papers and assessments would be useful for services
and areas of improvement. It was stressed that
at this point in time the documents were both still live documents and would be
presented to County Council for approval in July 2023. A greater amount of
Nationally benchmarked data was being measured against which officers felt was
important. Further work was needed to agree what excellence looked like in some
of those measures. In the opinion of
officers, the two reports represented a fair analysis of where the authority
stood at this stage of the Corporate Plan. Officers were seeking members feedback, and consider the reports and identify
areas where further work may be required further scrutiny. The Chair thanked the
officers and Lead Member for the detailed introduction and comprehensive
reports. He thanked officers for the early sight of the report, in his opinion
the report was transparent and explicit. Successes were highlighted along with
any issues or gaps officers were open about the work needed in those areas. It was stressed the
self-assessment (appendix1) was the statutory report that was submitted to
Welsh Government. Members heard the last ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
BUDGET PROCESS UPDATE PDF 146 KB To receive a report on the revised financial projections for the 3 year period 2024/25 to 2026/27 and a proposed budget strategy for setting the budget the 2024/25 (copy enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets introduced the report (previously circulated). She informed members the report set out the revised financial projections for the 3 year period 2024/25 to 2026/27 and a proposed budget strategy for setting the budget the 2024/25. Members heard that she was pleased to note the communications plan that was currently being developed. It demonstrated good dialogue with everyone affected by the budget projections. In addition, the Head of Finance stated the report was 3 elements to the paper: Summary of 23/24 budget setting position; Revised Budget Projections for 2024/25 to 2026/27 and Key areas to contribute to the Budget Strategy for 2024/25. Members were reminded that the authority had received a better settlement
than expected during 2023/24. It was stressed that although it was better than
first thought it did not cover the pressures faced by the authority. Thus
resulting in a funding gap of just under £11million. An increase in council tax
of 3.8% had helped bridge the gap and generated £2.7million. A reduction in the amount paid to Clwyd Pensions to contribute to
pensions was in a surplus, resulting in a lower contribution sum to be made.
This had no impact on individual’s pensions. Corporate Savings had contributed to funding the gap. The £2 million
covid contingency plan had been given up. Monthly monetary reports were presented to Cabinet to report the budget
findings. Details of which were made public prior to each meeting. It was stressed the difference between the best case scenario and worst
case scenario of the projections going forward was quite a difference. It was
stressed to members the uncertainty at present and going forward. Discussions with
other Heads of Finance and Section 151 Officers suggested it was a concern
across numerous authorities. Members heard an additional pressure of pay offers for non-teachers had
been a larger increase in the lower grade staff. It was expected that officers
would have to look at the impact of the pay grade system. Members were made aware of key areas of the budget going forward, this
was a key area for committee to review and ensure adequate processes were in
place to balance a budget for approval by Cabinet and County Council. It was
proposed to continue with 1% efficiencies and request and expect services to
deliver on those efficiencies. It was also expected services would increase
fees and charges in line with inflation in most areas. Other savings would be
sought from projects where the delivery of services could be changed. Services
had been pre-warned that changes would need to be found and agreed to ensure
savings were made. Reducing overspend in areas and services would also be
assessed. Member and staff involvement was encouraged and numerous factors where
members could get involved was due to take place. A full Council workshop was
scheduled for July to review and discuss the budget and proposals. It was stressed the importance of getting the communication correct given
the projected future budgets. Members thanked the Head of Finance for the detailed introduction and
presentation of the budget process. He urged members to submit questions to the
Head of Finance via email outside the meeting. The following areas were discussed in more detail: ·
Members praised the work that was being conducted to
mitigate the potential risks. ·
Members were pleased to hear about officer and
member suggestions. The staff suggestion scheme would be offered to all employees
within the council. It was stressed not all staff have access to emails on a
daily basis. · Some of the large budget projects did not need ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
At this juncture (11.45 am) there was a 10 minute comfort break. The meeting reconvened at 11.55 am. |
INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT 2022-23 PDF 210 KB To receive the Internal Audit Report 2022-23 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for
Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets introduced the Internal Audit Annual
Report to the committee (previously circulated). She emphasised the real effort
that had been made by the audit team under difficult circumstances over the last
12 months. The Chief Internal
Auditor guided members through the report. The annual report was an example of
good practice under the adopted standard of the Public Sector Internal Audit
Standards. Those standards required an annual report on Internal Audit to feed
into the statutory Annual Governance Statement. The report
encompassed the work of the audit team for the previous year and provided
details of the work carried out by the auditors. He apologised to members
stating the overall opinion had not been included/ He explained his opinion was
submitted as part of the Annual Governance Statement which was to be presented
at the July committee meeting. Since the publication of the papers an amended
report had been circulated to members highlighting the change. For clarity the
Chief Internal Auditor read out his overall opinion as follows: ‘The Chief Internal
Auditor’s opinion is that the council’s governance, risk management and
internal control arrangements in the areas audited continue to operate satisfactorily.
While the scope of assurance work was reduced due to the staff issues and three
investigations, reasonable assurance can be given that there have been no major
weaknesses noted in relation to the internal control systems operating within
the Council.’ It was reiterated
to members the team dynamics during the last 12 months. The team had been
operating without a full complement for the majority of the year. He also
stressed the work that had been involved in completing the three special investigations.
It was unprecedented to have 3 in one year. Both these points had impacted on
the amount of planned audits completed from the original plan presented to
committee last year. Members heard 43%
of the proposed work had been completed. 74% of the work carried out received a
high assurance, 26% received a medium assurance with no low or no assurance
ratings being issued. 3 advisory pieces of work had been completed, all of
which were satisfactory. 7 follow up pieces of work had been included on the programme
of work, the team had completed 6 of the follow up reviews. Fraud and the
manner in which way it was managed by the authority continued to be reviewed.
Fraud was managed by senior officers within the council and any concerns was
initially investigated by the service and then internal audit for assistance.
The service should then report back to internal audit with the findings. Over
the last 12 months he confirmed he had not received any reports of fraud. Every 2 years the
authority was required to carry out a piece of work for the National Fraud
Initiative, which looked at matching data. The most recent report conducted had
been provided to members at the time of completion. Details of the procedure of
matching data was provided. The audit team had
performance indicators which included the draft report being issued in 10
working days and the final report being produced 5 days following agreement of
the draft report. An area the team
had addressed that needed improving was the questionnaires following an audit
being returned. The team had looked at the form to make easier to navigate and
use. Hoping that would see an increase in returned questionnaires to the team. The Chair thanked
the Chief Internal Auditor for the detailed introduction. The following points
were discussed further: · Whistleblowing complaints were received by the Monitoring Officer who ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER & STRATEGY 2023-24 PDF 124 KB To receive the Internal Audit Charter & Strategy 2023-24 (copy
enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor presented the Internal Audit
Strategy to the committee (previously circulated). The report provided the
Committee with the Internal Audit Charter and Strategy for 2023-24. The Charter
defined the Internal Audit’s purpose, authority and responsibility in line with
the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards. The Strategy provided details of
the proposed Internal Audit projects for the year that would enable the Chief
Internal Auditor to provide an ‘opinion’ on the adequacy and effectiveness of
the Council’s framework of governance, risk and control during the year. The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed the Charter provided
members with information on how Internal Audit would function throughout the
year. It was stressed Local Authorities were subject to the Account and Audit (Wales)
Regulations and must maintain an adequate and effective system of internal
audit of its accounting records and of its system of internal controls. Resources had been an issue throughout the year, details of the
team had been included in the papers. Members heard two restructures of the
department had taken place over the last 12 months. In response to members comments the Chief Internal Auditor
confirmed that the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards requirements included
the Charter being presented to committee for comments. It stated the Charter
and Strategy were required to be presented on an annual basis. He confirmed he
would liaise back the comments raise on the need for committee to receive the
report annually. The Chair confirmed he had met with the Chief Executive and
he found the meeting very worthwhile and positive. He was very supportive of
the role of the committee and agreed to hold further meetings with the Chair in
the future. He informed members both the Chair and Vice Chair would
participate in the peer assessment interviews. Members welcomed the attendance
of another Chief Internal Auditor to any future meetings. The Internal Audit Strategy (appendix 2) provided information on
the planned programme of work for the upcoming year. Members were provided with
a brief description of the work. The programme of works included an array of
audits from all service areas. A number of audits had been carried over from
previous year. It was stressed Internal Audit would only carry out audits it
was deemed beneficial for the authority. The Strategy included the vast array
of work carried out by Internal Audit and detailed the meetings officers attended
to report back on. Members heard officers had emphasised the importance of updating
the Verto system to managers, the Chief Internal Officer confirmed he had
raised it the Senior Leadership Team meeting to stress the importance of
managers updating the system. The Chair stressed the importance of staff cooperation and compliance
with updating Verto. The Committee stressed the support from members to emphasise
the importance of updating the system. Members noted the extended list of proposed audit work intended
for the coming year. The Chief Internal Auditor stressed the special
investigations would not affect the work load. One of the investigations was at
draft stage and the other had been included in the proposed work for 2023/24. In response to members questions, members
were provided the assurance the implantation of new financial systems were
being project managed. The Chief Internal Auditor stated he was confident an
appropriate entry on the financial risk register would have been included.
Discussions with the chief accountant and lead officers had taken place during the
process and implementation. Close working with the finance team would continue.
Members suggested that a future training session on Internal Audit
and how work was planned and prioritised be scheduled. Members heard that discussions ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
WORKFORCE PLANNING To receive a verbal update from the Chief Internal Auditor on Workforce Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor provided members with a verbal update on the internal audit work on Workforce planning. He confirmed the remit from the committee had been for audit to look at how HR were addressing the concerns of workforce planning. Audit officers met with HR and went through a scoping procedure. An action plan was in place, which included five actions. He informed members the actions were: · To consider leadership and management development processes · Reviewing the authorities’ recruitment and retention policy · Evaluating the Council is promoting itself as a high performing and empowering workforce · Review the Councils current and future arrangements for developing a flexible and agile workforce · How the Council supported staff with health and wellbeing matters. Two areas had been identified as issues and were under discussion with HR. the internal audit officers had awarded a medium assurance for the audit work. The report was still in draft presently. Members would be provided the audit report once agreed, this would be circulated to all. It was stressed recruitment and retention would always be an issue for local authorities, the report looked at how HR had tried to encourage people into the service and authority. The final report would be included in the Audit update that was presented to the committee in due course. Members asked that feedback be provided alongside the report on National terms of Conditions for key posts in North Wales. Members asked if an email update outside of the meeting could be provided as to the progress in the recruitment of the replacement section 151 officer. The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed the advert had been issued for the Section 151 officer with a closing date of 19 June 2023. Following that the interviews would take place in July 2023. RESOLVED that members
note the verbal update and await a copy of the final Internal Audit report. |
GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME PDF 230 KB To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Governance and
Audit Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously
circulated). The Chair confirmed he along with the Vice Chair had expressed concern that the Whistleblowing report had been deferred. He confirmed the report would be presented at the July committee meeting. The draft Annual Governance and Audit annual report would also be presented at the July meeting. It had been deferred from the June meeting. The Corporate Risk Register was presented to the committee annually. The Chair proposed the committee received a report on the register twice a year. It was suggested a copy of the Risk Register be included as an information report for reference at the July meeting. The Chair urged members to contact him direct with any opinions on receiving the Risk register twice a year. RESOLVED that,
the Governance and Audit Committee’s forward work programme be noted. |
FOR INFORMATION Additional documents: |
ESTYN LETTER TO LOCAL AUTHORITY FOLLOWING ARA WORKSHOPS PDF 441 KB To receive for information a copy of correspondence received from Estyn (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced the information report to members. The Chair highlighted the report as he was unaware that Denbigh High School had been in special measures for some time. Councillor Mark Young stressed within the letter it stated the school had been in special measures from 2016 when it was in fact 2018. He stressed the importance of ensuring the facts are correct. He confirmed he had attended a lot of positive meetings and a great deal of positive good work had been done in the school during the last 5 years. He stressed the importance of being fair and balanced in all communications. He suggested the response from the authority or school should stress the positive work being done at the school. The Chair emphasised the role of the committee was to ensure the committee was provided the assurance that the measures were being addressed and debated in the right committee. RESOLVED that the committee
note the information report.
The meeting concluded at 13.35 p.m. Additional documents: |