Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 14)


To consider a report by Councillor Eryl Williams, Lead Member for Education (copy enclosed) which outlines proposals to revise the membership of the Local Development Plan Steering Group.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - that Cabinet:-


(a)          approves the revised Terms of Reference and membership of the Local Development Plan Steering Group, as in Appendix 1 to the report, and subject to the removal of the reference to political balance, and

(b)          agrees that a request be sent to the Chairs of Member Area Groups seeking two nominations for Membership on the Steering Group, with responses to be received by the first week in July, 2013.


Councillor Eryl Williams presented the report, circulated previously, which outlined proposals to revise the membership of the Local Development Plan Steering Group (LDPSG).  It had been agreed that a new LDP Steering Group should provide leadership and guidance in taking forward the Local Development Plan through to formal adoption, and to focus on the delivery of the LDP strategy and policies. Terms of Reference and Membership had been agreed and the group had met last year.  However, it was acknowledged that membership would have to be reviewed following the local elections in May, 2012 and following LDP adoption.


Following Council’s agreement to adopt the LDP it would be important that the revised Group be established to provide a political lead on the development of the suite of Supplementary Planning Guidance notes, development briefs and infrastructure plans urgently required to facilitate the delivery of the LDP.  The primary role of the LDPSG Group would be to support the delivery and on-going monitoring and future review of the LDP, together with, supporting the implementation of the Plan Strategy. The Group would have a non-executive role but would report back and make recommendations to Cabinet and or Council as appropriate. 


The revised Terms of Reference, Appendix 1, set out the proposed new arrangements for membership of the Group which would still comprise 12 Members, with the aim of achieving a geographical balance and political balance where reasonable and practical. Member Area Groups would be invited to nominate 2 Members to represent their area.


The LDP would have a direct role in achieving the priorities of ‘Developing the Local Economy’ and ‘Ensuring Access to Good Quality Housing’ through the policies and proposals within it.  The main role of the Group would be to oversee delivery of the LDP, enabling the provision of housing, employment, community facilities and environmental protection throughout the County.  A copy of the Equality Impact Assessment Statement had been included as Appendix 2 to the report.


During the ensuing discussion Members approved the revised Terms of Reference and membership of the Local Development Plan Steering Group, as in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the removal of the reference to political balance.  It was also agreed that a request be sent to the Chairs of the MAG’s seeking two nominations for Membership on the Steering Group, with responses to be received by the first week in July, 2013.   (AL to Action)


RESOLVED - that Cabinet:-


(a)          approves the revised Terms of Reference and membership of the Local Development Plan Steering Group, as in Appendix 1 to the report, and subject to the removal of the reference to political balance, and

(b)          agrees that a request be sent to the Chairs of Member Area Groups seeking two nominations for Membership on the Steering Group, with responses to be received by the first week in July, 2013.

(AL to Action)