Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/07/2012 - Standards Committee (Item 5)


To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports.


Members of the Committee were invited to feedback from recent meetings that they had attended of Town, Community or County Councils..


Mrs M.E. Medley informed the Committee that she had attended a meeting of the Henllan Community Council on 11th May. Mrs Medley reported that she had some difficulty in distinguishing between individuals sitting on the Community Council as elected members and members of the public, and that there was a tendency for a small number of individuals to exert a greater influence on proceedings than other members, but she conveyed that the meeting had been reasonably effective overall. It was also observed that the Clerk of the Henllan Community Council conducted the same role for a number of other Community Councils, which might have an impact on the manner in which the work of these Councils was undertaken, but this was emphasised to be a general observation rather than a Code of Conduct issue.


RESOLVED – that the position be noted.