Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Scrutiny work programme

Meeting: 10/01/2013 - Performance Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)


To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues.

                                                                                                          11.35 a.m.

Additional documents:


A copy of a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator, which requested the Committee to review and agree its Forward Work Programme and provided an update on relevant issues, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.  A copy of the Cabinet’s forward work programme had been included as Appendix 3, and a table summarising recent Committee resolutions and advising Members on progress with their implementation had been included as Appendix 4 to the report. 


A proposal form, had been included as Appendix 2, which requested consideration of an item relating to the Wales Audit Office’s Annual Improvement Report.  Members agreed this item be included in the forward work programme for April, 2013.


The Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) had met on the 20th December when it had been decided that a report on CCTV should be transferred from Partnerships Scrutiny Committee’s forward work programme for March, 2013 to Performance Scrutiny Committee’s forward work programme for April, 2013. 


The Committee considered its draft Forward Work Programme for future meetings, as detailed in Appendix 1, and the following amendments and additions were agreed:-


Performance Scrutiny Committee meeting on the 21st February, 2013:-


CSSIW Annual Council Performance Evaluation 2011/12 - Members agreed that as this item had been considered and accepted by the Corporate Governance Committee as a positive report, it be presented to the Performance Scrutiny Committee as an Information Report.


Introduction of Speed Limiters and Rev Counters on Council Vehicles - At the request of the Performance Scrutiny Committee’s Vice-Chair it was agreed that a report on the potential benefits and costs of introducing speed limiting/rev counting devices on Council vehicles be included in the Committee’s forward work programme for February, 2013.


Corporate Plan 2012/13 (Q3) – The Corporate Improvement Manager explained that the report would detail the indicators and measures in terms of the Baseline position with regard to the Corporate Plan.


Members agreed that an item relating to the Corporate Risk Register be included in the Forward Work Programme for consideration at the July Committee meeting.  It was also agreed that the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group be requested to consider the coordination of an item pertaining to the performance of Cefndy Enterprises.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above amendments and agreements, the Future Work Programme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.