Issue - meetings
Meeting: 25/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 7)
To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) presenting the Council’s Performance Self-Assessment for 2023 to 2024 for Cabinet’s consideration and confirmation prior to its submission to Council.
Additional documents:
- SELF ASSESSMENT - Appendix I Executive Summary Self-Assessment of Performance 2023 to 2024, item 7 PDF 539 KB
- SELF ASSESSMENT - Appendix II Performance Self-Assessment Update - October to March 2024, item 7 PDF 1 MB
- SELF ASSESSMENT - Appendix III Final Summary of Service Performance Challenge Actions 2023 to 2024, item 7 PDF 258 KB
- SELF ASSESSMENT - Appendix IV - Panel Performance Assessment Scope, item 7 PDF 734 KB
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) notes the contents of the
report, including the six improvement actions listed in paragraph 4.4 of the
report, and
(b) confirms the content of
the Council’s Performance Self-Assessment 2023 – 2024 for submission to Council
in July 2024 for approval.
In the absence of Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, the Head of Corporate Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets presented the report and the Council’s Self-Assessment for 2023 to 2024 for Cabinet’s consideration ahead of its submission to Council. The Planning and Performance Officer was also in attendance.
The Performance Self-Assessment provided a year end analysis of progress and challenges against key performance objectives (i.e., Corporate Plan themes).
Officers guided members through the report which consisted of an Executive Summary (Appendix I) highlighting performance against the Corporate Plan and the seven governance areas; the Performance Update Report (Appendix II) covering October to March 2024; actions from the Service Performance Challenges (Appendix III) and draft scope of the Panel Performance Assessment (Appendix IV). Feedback had already been provided from the Governance and Audit Committee and Performance Scrutiny Committee following their consideration of the report. An overview of the progress made was given together with challenges that lay ahead. It was noted that performance must be considered in the context of budgetary constraints and a possible reduction in the pace of delivery was expected as a result. Specific attention was also drawn to the six improvement activities identified.
Cabinet thanked officers for the comprehensive report and hard work carried out.
Main areas of debate focused on the following –
· a detailed account of the purpose of Panel
Performance Assessment (PPA) and expectations were provided. The draft scope
for the PPA was discussed and welcomed as a further opportunity to assess
performance from a different perspective to drive greater improvement and
performance in future. The draft areas of focus included Leadership, Budget
Proposals/Transformation and Partnership Working. A further report would be taken to Cabinet in
July to approve the arrangements
· whilst it was important to maintain the
Council’s ambitions and continually strive for improvement it was accepted that
many issues, both in terms of budgetary constraints and the wider economy, were
outside the Council’s control
· problems with the new waste service roll out
and impact on performance together with other issues highlighted over recent
months were raised as a concern and also the impact on the authority’s
reputation and theme of being a well-run, high performing council. The waste project featured in the Greener
Denbighshire theme of the Corporate Plan and comment on the rollout would
feature in the performance report for quarter 2. Significant budget challenges were being
faced by all local authorities with work focussing on the transformation agenda
to deliver services. The Corporate Plan
performance management framework included indicators of financial management
· the theme well run high performing council
was discussed at some length and it was noted that performance was one of seven
governance areas the Council was required to assess for good corporate
health. Part of the focus of the
well-run, high performing council theme of the Corporate Plan was to foster a
“one council” approach to support each other, working together to address
issues in an open and transparent manner, being a learning authority,
recognising both good performance and making the necessary improvements as
quickly as possible in areas that were not performing as well
· the Leader again acknowledged problems with
the waste service roll out and repeated assurances that every effort was being
made to resolve them
· there was no reference to planning
breaches/enforcement in the performance report and officers agreed to raise the
issue with the relevant service as a potential measure to consider for
inclusion in future reports and report back the outcome at the next Governance
and Audit Committee
· the report aimed to take an objective and level-headed view of the Council in terms of ... view the full minutes text for item 7