Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 3)


Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.  

Additional documents:


The Leader allowed a question to be put with regard to vandalism of the 20mph road signs which had recently been rolled out.


The Leader allowed a question to be put with regard to vandalism of the 20mph speed limit road signs which had recently been rolled out.


Councillor Karen Edwards asked who would be responsible for ongoing costs associated with the 20mph scheme, for example vandalised signage, rectifying errors, and any future variations, would it be the Council or the Welsh Government?


The Corporate Director: Environment and Economy advised that the signage was Council property, and the assumption was that any costs relating to vandalism or damage would fall to the Council as it would with any other asset.  The issue relating to future variations was potentially different and it was understood there would be a national review of the scheme and some revised guidance around potential exemptions in future.  If there were any changes to the scheme as part of that revised guidance and future review, the Welsh Government may fund those changes, but the position would need to be confirmed at that time.  Councillor Barry Mellor added that the review would likely be in March 2024 and Welsh Government had confirmed funding would be available for any other exemptions that came forward.  In terms of the vandalism of the 20mph signage, the Council would rectify the damage as soon as possible, and it was also a matter for the Police.


The Leader thanked Councillor Edwards for her question and encouraged members to feedback residents’ views on the 20mph speed limit to inform the future review, and the Member Area Groups would also be involved as part of that process.