Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 FINANCE REPORT pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 2017/18 and progress against the agreed budget strategy, and


(b)       supports the submission of a Full Business Case for a new 3 – 16 Catholic school building and facilities to the Welsh Government (detailed in Appendix 4 to the report).


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the report detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.  He provided a summary of the Council’s financial position as follows –


·        service and corporate budgets were forecast to break-even due to the use of corporate contingencies

·        service efficiencies worth £0.902m having already been agreed as part of the budget with the assumption that all would be delivered – any exceptions would be reported to Cabinet if required

·        highlighted current risks and variances relating to individual service areas, and

·        provided a general update on the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Capital Plan and the Capital Plan (including the Corporate Plan element).


Cabinet was also asked to support the submission of a full business case for a new 3 – 16 Catholic school building and facilities to the Welsh Government.


In response to a question regarding how the adverse weather would impact on finances, Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill referred to the winter maintenance reserve which had been established to aid peaks and troughs in expenditure in the event of adverse weather conditions.  It was noted that school transport had not been functioning in a number of areas which would provide a cost saving.


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)       notes the budgets set for 2017/18 and progress against the agreed budget strategy, and


(b)       supports the submission of a Full Business Case for a new 3 – 16 Catholic school building and facilities to the Welsh Government (detailed in Appendix 4 to the report).