Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/11/2014 - Cabinet (Item 9)


To consider a confidential report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) regarding proposals to form a commercial partnership with a private company to deliver the Council’s Revenues and Benefits Service.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet 


(a)       recommends to full Council that the Council enters into the commercial partnership with the company named within the report, and


(b)       subject to approval by Council a report be presented to scrutiny after eighteen months of partnership operation in order to review the progress of the partnership with particular regard paid to the new business element of the proposal and Welsh Language service provision.


Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the confidential report regarding proposals to form a commercial partnership with a private company to deliver the Council’s Revenues and Benefits Service.


During a detailed debate Cabinet considered the options analysis provided for the service and the reasoning behind the proposals to enter into a commercial partnership including its advantages over the alternative options, particularly in terms of savings and opportunity for growth.  Representatives of the private company were in attendance and responded to members’ questions regarding the proposed model and future plans should the partnership proceed, providing assurances regarding their commitment to Denbighshire in terms of staffing and location; Welsh Language provision and adherence to existing policies and procedures.  Reference was also made to the effects of legislative changes and actions to mitigate those.  Members were advised of the positive feedback from staff consultations and positive engagement with unions.


Cabinet acknowledged the advantages and opportunities presented by forming a commercial partnership but asked that if the partnership was approved, a review be undertaken in approximately eighteen months’ time.


RESOLVED that Cabinet 


(a)       recommends to full Council that the Council enters into the commercial partnership with the company named within the report, and


(b)       subject to approval by Council a report be presented to scrutiny after eighteen months of partnership operation in order to review the progress of the partnership with particular regard paid to the new business element of the proposal and Welsh Language service provision.


The meeting concluded at 1.50 p.m.