Datgan cysylltiad

Datgan cysylltiad

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Cyrff Allanol'

  • Y Cynghorydd Arwel Roberts - Personal - Councillor Arwel Roberts declared a personal interest in Item 5, Outside Bodies as he is a Member of the Coleg Llandrillo Committee.
  • Y Cynghorydd Bill Cowie - Personal - Councillor Bill Cowie declared a personal interest in Item 5, Outside Bodies, as he is a Member of the Fire & Rescue Service Committee.
  • Y Cynghorydd Gwyneth Kensler - Personal - Councillor Gwyneth Kensler declared a personal interest in Item 5, Outside Bodies as she is a Member of the Court (Bangor University).
  • Y Cynghorydd Martyn Holland - Personal - Councillor Martyn Holland declared a personal interest in Item 5, Outside Bodies as he is a Member a number of outside bodies as per the list attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
  • Y Cynghorydd Meirick Lloyd Davies - Personal - Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies declared a personal interest in Item 5, Outside Bodies as he is a Member a number of outside bodies as per the list attached as Appendix 1 to the report.