Election results by party

European Parliamentary Election - Thursday, 22 May 2014


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For full results and the allocation of seats for the Wales Electoral Region please visit the Pembrokeshire County Council website by clicking the link above. The results shown on this page reflect the votes cast in the Denbighshire Local Counting Area only.

Election results by party
Party name Votes % of votes
UK Independence Party 6563 27%
Conservative 5987 25%
Labour 5587 23%
Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales 3944 16%
The Green Party - Plaid Werdd 835 3%
Liberal Democrats 675 3%
British National Party 219 < 1%
Britain First 215 < 1%
Socialist Labour Party 139 < 1%
No2EU 78 < 1%
The Socialist Party of Great Britain 36 < 1%
Turnout: 32%