Election results for Clwyd East

Election results for Clwyd East

UK Parliamentary Election - Thursday, 4 July 2024

UK Parliamentary Election

Clwyd East - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Becky Gittins Welsh Labour / Llafur Cymru 18484 39% Elected
James Michael Davies Welsh Conservative Party Candidate / Ymgeisydd Plaid Geidwadol Cymru 13862 29% Not elected
Kirsty Walmsley Reform UK 7626 16% Not elected
Paul Penlington Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales 3733 8% Not elected
Alec Dauncey Welsh Liberal Democrats / Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru 1859 4% Not elected
Lee Lavery The Green Party - Plaid Werdd 1659 3% Not elected
Rob Roberts Independent 599 1% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 47822
Electorate 76637
Number of ballot papers rejected 163
Share of the votes (%)
Becky Gittins 39% Elected
James Michael Davies 29% Not elected
Kirsty Walmsley 16% Not elected
Paul Penlington 8% Not elected
Alec Dauncey 4% Not elected
Lee Lavery 3% Not elected
Rob Roberts 1% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty129
voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to34
Total rejected163