Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions



The Scrutiny Coordinator introduced the report and appendices (previously circulated) seeking members to review the Committee’s work programme in preparation for its transfer to its successor Committee post the local authority elections in May 2022.  It would then be a decision for the new Committee on whether it wished to proceed with the items already listed.


Members were advised that the report on the ‘Mistreatment of Dogs’ which was originally scheduled for presentation at the current meeting had, due to Public Protection Service staff still being deployed on Test, Track and Protect (TTP) duties, been rescheduled for presentation until the autumn of 2022.   Nevertheless, in order to provide reassurance to members on this matter an information report had been prepared and circulated as part of the Information Brief document ahead of the current meeting.


As part of its regular review of scrutiny committees’ forward work programmes the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) had rescheduled some items on each of the committees’ forward work programmes in order to avoid discussion of controversial items in the lead-up to the pre-election period.  These were illustrated on Appendix 1.


The follow-up report requested during the discussion on the Flood Risk Management and Riparian Landownership Task and Finish item on the current business agenda would be included on the Committee’s forward work programme for the spring of 2023.


Members were advised that they could continue to submit topics for consideration by Scrutiny on the form at Appendix 2.  Unless the topics were of an urgent nature, the SCVCG would consider the requests following the local authority elections.


The Cabinet’s forward work programme (Appendix 3) and the table illustrating progress to date with the recommendations made by Committee’s at its last meeting (Appendix 4) were provided for information purposes.


Work was now underway to prepare for the production of an information report on a ‘Community Impact Assessment on the communities of Rhewl and Llanynys’ following the closure of the local school.  The report should be available during the summer.


The Committee:


Resolved:  subject to the inclusion of the item agreed during the course of the meeting, to confirm the Committee’s draft forward work programme for presentation to the new Committee post the local authority elections in May 2022.