Mater - penderfyniadau

Mater - penderfyniadau

Penodi Is-Gadeirydd

06/07/2021 - Penodi Is-Gadeirydd

{0>Nominations were sought for the office of Vice-Chair of the Committee for the 2021/22 municipal year.<}71{>Gofynnwyd am enwebiadau ar gyfer Is-Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor ar gyfer 2021/22.<0} {0>Councillor Arwel Roberts nominated Councillor Hugh Irving for the position of Committee Vice-Chair.<}0{>Enwebwyd y Cynghorydd Hugh Irving gan y Cynghorydd Arwel Roberts.<0} {0>Councillor Bob Murray seconded Councillor Irving’s nomination.<}0{>Eiliwyd yr enwebiad hwn gan y Cynghorydd Bob Murray.<0} {0>No other nominations were received and the Committee unanimously –<}68{>Ni dderbyniwyd enwebiadau eraill.<0}


{0>RESOLVED to elect Councillor Hugh Irving as its Vice-Chair for the 2021/22 municipal year.<}69{>PENDERFYNWYD penodi’r Cynghorydd Hugh Irving yn Is-gadeirydd y Pwyllgor ar gyfer 2021/22.<0}


{0>Councillor Irving thanked Committee members for their continued support.<}0{>Diolchodd y Cynghorydd Irving i’r aelodau am eu cefnogaeth barhaus. <0}