Committee details

Committee details

Climate Change and Ecological Emergency Working Group

Purpose of committee

On the 2 July 2019 Denbighshire County Council passed the following motion:


Denbighshire County Council will:

·       Immediately declare a climate and ecological emergency

·       Commit to making the authority net carbon zero by 2030 at the latest

·       Set up a task and finish group to draw up a clear plan within 6 months to achieve the above, including ways to enhance biodiversity in Denbighshire

·       Call on the Welsh Government and UK Government to provide assistance and resources to enable us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance biodiversity

·       Work with partners across the public, private and third sector to help solve this climate and ecological emergency.


The Working Group is an advisory, non-decision making body but may make recommendations or requests to other Denbighshire County Council committees, panels, lead members or officers as appropriate.

Its purpose is to:

i.        Be a cross party political reference group for officers on the climate change and nature recovery agenda

ii.        Provide challenge to ensure delivery of the Climate and Ecological Change Strategy 2021/22 - 2029/2030

iii.       Champion the climate change and nature recovery agenda amongst Councillors, within Political Groups and with constituents.
