Lawrlwytho manylion cysylltu fel ffeil CSV

Download contact details as a CSV file

Councillor James May

Click the following link to download an electronic contact CSV file, containing the contact details for Councillor James May.


Gall y rhan fwyaf o raglenni cronfeydd data ddarllen ffeiliau lle mae'r gwerthoedd wedi'u gwahanu â choma, a gall fod yn ffordd hawdd i gadw manylion cyswllt mewn fformat taenlen i'w harddangos mewn dogfennau testun

When you click the link, you will be prompted to Open or Save the CSV file. Dylech ddewis yr opsiwn Cadw i safio’r manylion i ffeil.

If you select the option to Open the file and you have Microsoft Excel installed, the data will be displayed in an Excel spreadsheet. Cyfeiriwch at help ar-lein eich rhaglen am gymorth.