Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Internal Audit (copy enclosed) on a recent Internal Audit report on Corporate Safeguarding that received a ‘Low’ assurance rating.



A report by the Head of Internal Audit (HIA) had been circulated previously.


The HIA explained that the report provided details of the recent Internal Audit Report (IAR) on Corporate Safeguarding which had received a ‘Low’ assurance rating.  The key message arising from the Internal Audit Report (IAR), Appendix 1, had been that while the Council had measures in place to manage safeguarding, these were not robust and had not been embedded across all the Council’s functions.


There was a necessity for Safeguarding to be perceived as a ‘corporate’ area, rather than just an area for Social Services or Education.  There was therefore a need for the Council to raise awareness through relaunching the Corporate Safeguarding Policy, and ensuring that its Elected Members and officers were sufficiently trained. 


The IAR included an Action Plan which raised 12 areas for improvement.  The Corporate Safeguarding Panel (CSP) had assumed ownership of the Action Plan through the Corporate Director: Communities, and actions, responsibilities and timescales had been agreed to address all of the issues.


The Chair expressed concern that the measures in place to manage safeguarding had not been embedded corporately across all of the Council’s functions.


In response to a question from Mr P. Whitham, it was felt that as risks had been identified at a corporate level, and with a view to creating corporate awareness, there should be an entry in the Corporate Risk Register in respect of this issue.  The Corporate Director: Communities (CDC) referred to the risk around safeguarding and the understanding of the differential between safeguarding and statutory duties relating to the protection of vulnerable adults and children.  It was explained that the issue of Corporate Safeguarding did not relate to the statutory duty governing     Social Services and Education but related to a general risk.  She emphasised that the Committee would need to decide whether the broad reaching responsibilities of Safeguarding, and the controls and mitigations which make reference to the CSP, Action Plan and responsibilities of improving awareness and ownership, had been contained within the action.


The HIA confirmed that since the undertaking of the audit, and implementation of the Action Plan, the Corporate Risk Register had been amended and would be subject to the respective actions.


Councillor H.H. Evans, Lead Member for Corporate Safeguarding, referred to the importance of keeping separate the Statutory Duties relating to Social Services and Education, and emphasised the need to assume responsibility corporately for safeguarding even though this aspect was not perceived as a Statutory Responsibility.  It was explained that he had assumed responsibility and ownership for Corporate Safeguarding, and that some of the issues of concern highlighted by Internal Audit had already been addressed.  The Committee were provided with an assurance that the profile of Corporate Safeguarding would be elevated, and Councillor Evans confirmed that he would be leading on the amalgamation of Children’s Social Care Services and Education.  He also suggested that it would be beneficial if he was included as a member of the Safeguarding Panel, with a view to monitoring the response of the Authority in taking ownership of Corporate Safeguarding and reacting to expectations.


During the ensuing discussion the following issues were highlighted and responses provided by officers:-


-                  the management of Safeguarding within each Department, and the adoption of best practice and a uniform approach within the Authority.

-                  the introduction of an audit by the Corporate Safeguarding Panel with a view to creating consistency within respective Departments.

-                  reference was made to the views expressed in the WAO Review of Corporate Safeguarding arrangements in Welsh Councils, and the recognition of the journey being undertaken.  The CDC agreed that a link to the Wales Audit Office Review of Corporate Safeguarding Arrangements in Welsh Councils could be circulated to Members of the Committee.

-                  details of the provision of Safeguarding training for both Elected Members and officers.

-                    an outline of the impact of the changes experienced, and the robust nature of the Statutory services provided by the Authority.


The WAO Representative (GB) referred to the National Report and confirmed that the Authorities policies were in place and fit for purpose.  He also made reference to Action Plan and the need and importance of progressing its implementation.


During the ensuing discussion Members agreed that a progress report be included in the Committee’s forward work programme for January, 2016, with a view to assessing the impact of the implementation of the Action Plan.


In response to a question from the Chair, the CDC made reference to the mandatory training programme, and the training provision scheduled for the next three Council Briefing sessions.  The areas to be covered to include:-


·                 An introduction to Safeguarding and Protection.

·                 Child sexual exploitation.

·                 Lessons learned from other Authorities.


It was explained that the following the final briefing session a Task and Finish Group would be established of Members and officers to examine lessons learned from other local authorities where there had been safeguarding issues and the various self assessment / baseline toolkits available.  This information could then be utilised to undertake a self-assessment against the respective findings.  The Chair emphasised the importance of learning lessons from the experiences of other Authorities.


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)            receives the Internal Audit report.

(b)            notes the assurance that the Action Plan within the report is being implemented effectively and within the agreed timescales.

(c)            requests that a link to the WAO Review of Corporate Safeguarding Arrangements in Welsh Councils be circulated to Members of the Committee, and

(d)            agrees that a progress report be included in the Committee’s forward work programme for January, 2016, with a view to assessing the impact of the implementation of the Action Plan.

   (NS, IB to Action)


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