Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on the 22nd May, 2015 (copy enclosed).



The Minutes of the Standards Committee held on the 22nd May, 2015 were submitted.


The Chair commented on the high standard of minutes produced.




5. Forward Work Programme – The date of the next meeting be amended from the “16th September, 2015 to the “18th September, 2015”.


11. Training for Chairs and Vice Chairs of City, Town and Community Councils – The name “Julie” be amended to read “Julia”.


Matters arising:-


5. Forward Work Programme – In reply to a question from the Chair regarding progress with the guidance and framework template for City, Town and Community Councils (CTCC), the DMO explained the information referred to had been included in the PSOW Code of Conduct Casebook and the Committee agreed that this would be sufficient as the production of further guidance would result in a duplication of information.  She confirmed that work had been undertaken on the Self Regulatory Protocol; for (CTCC) and an item had been included on the agenda for consideration.   


8. PSOW – Revised Code of Conduct Guidance – In response to a question from the Chair regarding the circulation of a briefing paper to improve communication links and key messages with CTCC, the Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO) referred to the production of an executive summary or a short briefing note on the key issues.  The DMO explained that cluster meetings were held with Clerks of CTCC and the matter of improving communication links for the dissemination of information could be discussed, including the enhanced use of Information Technology methods.


The DMO highlighted the merit in circulating to CTCC’s noteworthy information and facts from the PSOW Code of Conduct Casebook.  She agreed to liaise with the Communications Team on methods of disseminating information to the CTCC’s, and with the Monitoring Officer regarding the information to be circulated.


It was confirmed by the DMO that the Monitoring Officer had contacted the Ombudsman as agreed to ascertain how complaints were recorded and how long they were saved.  It was explained that a paper format of complaints was retained by the PSOW for a period of two years, and an electronic format for ten years.  Members were informed that previous complaints would be checked and taken into consideration when determining whether or not to investigate a new complaint.


10. Feedback from Code of Conduct Training for Clerks of the City, Town and Community Councils – The DMO confirmed that due to time constraints the next training session for CTCC Clerks would be held in January, 2016, and would be scheduled as afternoon sessions commencing at approximately 3.00 p.m.


The DMO confirmed that the training session held on the 29th June, 2015 had taken place, and a trainer with greater knowledge of Welsh guidance, legislation and issues would be sought foe 2016. 


Councillor M.Ll. Davies informed the Committee that literature pertaining to chairing skills was available and could be utilised.


Any Other Business:- Independent Member Julia Hughes (JH) made reference to the discussion on the electronic publication of information from CTCCs, and the confirmation by the MO that it was a new requirement which was now compulsory.  She highlighted the need for easy access to information and explained that she had undertaken a voluntarily audit of ten Councils in respect of this issue.  JH agreed to provide further details of the work undertaken.


Standards Conference Wales 2015:- The DMO referred to the Standards Conference scheduled to be held in Cardiff on the 20th October, 2015 and requested that any Members wishing to attend contact the Personal Assistant to the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services before the 29th September, 2015.  The Chair confirmed that he intended to attend the Conference. 


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above, the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.

  (LJ to Action)


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