Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Children & Family Services, which provides a report from the Child Practice Review undertaken by the Regional Safeguarding Children Board (copy enclosed).



A confidential report by the Head of Children and Family Services (HCFS) had been circulated previously.


The report from the Child Practice Review, undertaken on a Denbighshire child by the Regional Safeguarding Children Board, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.  It was explained that Welsh Government guidance provided the framework for undertaking Child Practice Reviews when children die and there was an indication that it may relate to abuse or neglect.  The child referred to in the report was known to the department and was on the child protection register.


In response to questions from Members the HCFS confirmed that the review process was not a mechanism to attribute blame, but focused on what learning could be gained which would help practice generally improve and reduce future risk.  The process had been instigated by the Child Practice Review Group of the Regional Safeguarding Children Board (RSCB)  and would identify whether a review should be undertaken, and what form of review was required in the circumstances.  The Panel would establish the nature of the review, terms of reference and the aspects to be focussed on.  This would be informed by the multi-agency timeline and the professional perspectives, and the HCFS provided details of both the new and old methods of investigation.


The bereaved family would engage with the review facilitators to share their perspective, and with this gained information a facilitated event would be held involving key participants in the case.  The process adopted had been outlined in the report and at the end it sought to identify areas for action as a result of the analysis and perspectives.  A report and Action Plan would be prepared, reported to the RSCB and subsequently published.


In response to concerns raised by Members regarding the tragic circumstances relating to the case in question, the HCFS provided a detailed summary of the case and outlined the various methods adopted to undertake an investigation and the differing approaches adopted in England and Wales.  The HLHRDS explained that the Corporate Governance Committee had been the most appropriate forum to receive the report, and to provide Members with an assurance that the review had resulted in an Action Plan which would be monitored by the RSCB.


The officers provided the following responses to questions and issues raised by Members of the Committee:-


·                 The HCFS confirmed that safeguarding children had been included on the Risk Register as part of the risk management process.

·                 It was explained by the HCFS that it would be important to learn from the reviews and that outcomes are shared with other Authorities, organisations and interested parties.

·                 The WAOR highlighted the importance of the encompassing the lessons learnt with regard to adults as well as vulnerable children.  An outline of the process and focus for providing support and assistance for adults in these circumstances was provided by the HCFS.

·                 The need to realise the nature and serious effects and implications arising from post-natal depression was highlighted.

·                 The possible production of a check list for utilisation during the hand over process.


During the ensuing discussion the Committee noted:-


-                   the tragic facts pertaining to the case in question.

-                   the processes and systems instigated by the Child Practice Review Group of the Regional Safeguarding Children Board.

-                   that a number of areas for improvement were identified as part of the Review.

-                   that the review undertaken had been thorough, and that it had been anticipated that the lessons learnt would be incorporated into future best practice.


The Chair highlighted the three main strands identified in the report which included issues pertaining to communication, transfer of information and the level of support offered.  The WAOR explained that it would be important for the Committee to receive a reassurance that the Action Plan had been fully implemented, and it was agreed that a progress report be presented to the Committee following a period of twelve months.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)            receives the report.

(b)            notes the outcome of the review and the learning gained and steps proposed to address identified deficits.

(c)            requests a progress report on the implementation of the Action Plan in 12 months time.

            (LR, GW to Action)


Supporting documents: