Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report from the Strategic Planning & Performance Officer, which summarises the key findings from the WAO’s Annual Improvement Report regarding Denbighshire’s planning and reporting arrangements in order to meet statutory continuous improvement duties (copy enclosed).



A report by the Strategic Planning and Performance Officer (SPPO), which provided an update on the process to deliver the revenue budget for 2016/17, had been circulated previously.


The SPPO introduced the report which summarised the key findings from the WAO’s Annual Improvement Report regarding Denbighshire’s planning and reporting arrangements in order to meet statutory continuous improvement duties.  The report informed the Committee of the WAO’s Conclusion and Improvement Proposals.    The overall conclusion had been that:-


“The Council continued to make progress in delivering improvements in all of its priority objectives and its track record in delivering its financial objectives mean it is well placed to secure continuous improvement in 2015-16.”


There had been no formal recommendations and only two Improvement Proposals had been made.  It was explained that the WAO would expect their recommendations to be actioned, and the proposals had been included in the report.  A list of key conclusions from various auditing bodies had been listed from Page 8 of the report, and they covered the areas of Performance, Use of Resources, Governance, Improvement Planning and Reporting Audits, and Audit of Accounts.  The key messages had been summarised in the report.


With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation the WAO Representative (GB) provided a detailed summary of the following issues and areas:-


·                 Performance Assessment Contributors.

·                 Performance Assessment Findings.

·                 User Resources.

·                 Governance.

·                 Proposals for Improvement.

·                 Overall Conclusion.


The two proposals for improvement were highlighted by the WAOR which recommended that the Council should:-


·                 Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clear for the achievement of the new affordable housing objective.

·                 Review its working practices against the recommendations in the Auditor General’s 2014-15 Local Government National Reports, and implement improvements as necessary


The following issues were raised by Members, and were applicable responses provided:- 


-                  The WAOR explained that examining performance with regard to the provision of Adult Social Care had not been included in the WAO work programme.  However, he confirmed that the matter could be raised with CSSIW officers, or presented to the relevant Scrutiny Committee for consideration.  The Chair agreed to raise the issue at the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group meeting.

-                  In response to questions regarding the accuracy of figures provided in relation to the provision of Affordable Housing in Denbighshire, the WAOR provided details of the figures for 2014/15.  He explained that it had been commendable that the problem had been identified by Denbighshire who had met the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.  Reference was made to the significant contribution by Welsh Government towards affordable housing and the Housing Revenue Subsidy Reform.  The HLHRDS referred to the Task and Finish Group report which had been endorsed by Cabinet.  This would be encompassed in the Housing Strategy and Delivery Plan prior to approval being sought following guidance from the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group regarding the process, and it was agreed that the Chair be updated in respect of future progress.

-                  The WAOR responded to a question from Councillor J.A. Davies regarding the care of patents discharged from hospital.  He explained that a summary of the CSSIW Annual Report, detailing work undertaken had been provided, with the next Annual Report, including a progress update, being scheduled for submission in the autumn.

-                  The Chair referred to the recommendations in Appendix 5.  The WAOR explained that although there was no obligation to accept them the WAO would seek evidence that the recommendations had been considered.  The Chair felt that in view of the important nature of the issues highlighted it would be appropriate to provided reasons for instances of non-acceptance.  He also requested the provision of evidence regarding the action being taken to address the recommendations.  The HBIM provided an assurance that the recommendations had been afforded serious consideration, and that Heads of Services had been consulted with regard to national studies.  He outlined the procedures adopted for dealing with recommendations, and the implications of national studies, and confirmed that a summary report would be presented to Council in September.

-                  In response to a question from Mr P. Whitham, the WAOR confirmed that the he felt the Council’s risk management arrangements were robust and fit for purpose.


The Committee noted the Conclusions, Improvement Proposals, and Key Findings from the WAO’s report.  Follow up Plans in relation to the Improvement Proposals would be reported back to the WAO as part of a whole Council response to the Annual Improvement.  The Committee were informed that the Council’s response was being co-ordinated by the Strategic Planning and Performance Team, and a response had been requested from services to relevant areas by the end of July, 2015, prior to presentation to Council in September, 2015.


RESOLVED – that Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)                receives the report and notes the conclusions, improvement proposals, and key findings from the WAO’s report.

(b)                supports the establishment of Plans for following up on the Improvement Proposals.

(c)                notes that the Plans be reported back to the WAO as part of a whole Council response to the Annual Improvement.

(d)                     requests that the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services monitors the mechanism with regard to pursuing the Housing Strategy and Affordable Housing Policy, and

(e)                     agrees that the Head of Business, Improvement and Moderisation pursues and expedites the national recommendations as outlined in the report.

                  (GW, AS to Action)


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