Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues.

                                                                                    10.55 a.m. – 11.10 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (SC), which requested the Committee to review and agree its Forward Work Programme and provided an update on relevant issues, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. 


A copy of the ‘Member’s proposal form’ had been included in Appendix 2.  The Scrutiny Coordinator explained that in future no items would be included on a forward work programme without a ‘scrutiny proposal form’ being completed and accepted for inclusion by the Committee or the SCVCG.  Assistance with their completion was available from the Scrutiny Co-ordinator.


The Cabinet Forward Work Programme had been included as Appendix 3, and a table summarising recent Committee resolutions and advising on progress with their implementation, had been attached at Appendix 4. 


The Committee considered its draft Forward Work Programme for future meetings, Appendix 1, and the following amendments and additions were agreed:-


                        12th April, 2016 (Special Meeting):-


-               The Chair emphasised the importance of the meeting which had been convened to consider the Future of Adult Provider Services, and the findings of the Task and Finish Group in respect of In House Adult Social Care.  The SC explained that she would liaise with Members of the Committee to seek confirmation regarding their availability to attend the meeting.  Councillor C. Hughes explained that at the present time he was unable to provide confirmation of his availability to attend the meeting due to work commitments.


28th April, 2016:-


-               The Committee agreed to a pre-meeting briefing for all Committee Members, prior their meeting with BT and WG officials in respect of the Broadband Rollout in Denbighshire.  The pre-meeting would provide Members with the opportunity to identify areas of questioning which they wished to focus on during the meeting.  Members requested that the public meeting start time be rescheduled from 9.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and that the pre-meeting briefing start at 9.00 a.m.


The Chief Executive outlined his concerns regarding how the Broadband Rollout had been progressed in Denbighshire.  He felt that details should be requested specifying which areas had been completed, future plans and respective timescales.


In reply to concerns expressed by Members, the SC confirmed that the Democratic Services Manager would be progressing the appointment of Members to the Membership vacancies on the Committee.  Councillor J.R. Bartley explained that he would be prepared to submit his name to his Group Leader for one of the vacancies.  In response to a suggestion that substitute Members be utilised, the SC explained that the Constitution was currently under review.


The Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group had met on the 3rd march, 2016 and no matters were referred to the Committee.


The SC requested that Members complete and submit the Self Evaluation Questionnaire Forms which had recently circulated.  The importance of completing the forms was emphasised as the Council would, later in the year, be subject to a Corporate Assessment.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above amendments and agreements, the Work Programme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.


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