Agenda item
To discuss the possibility of SACRE creating a resource to encourage closer community links between schools and faith groups.
The Systems Leader for GwE (SL) facilitated a discussion on the possibility of SACRE creating a resource to encourage closer community links between schools and faith groups. Whist he had initially suggested a ‘break out group’ to develop this resource, Flintshire SACRE had instead decided to put together a case study of good practice on how schools and the religious community interacted with each other. It had been agreed to approach schools and religious bodies to request a case study and to choose the best examples to share good practice across schools and the religious community. It was felt that this option would make better use of resources and would be easier to facilitate than a ‘break out group’. It was hoped to combine case studies received from across Conwy, Denbighshire and Flintshire into one resource. If this option was agreed translation costs would be in the region of £400 - £500 and it was suggested that church organisations across the three authorities be asked for a financial contribution to meet that cost.
Members provided examples of existing good practice and interaction between schools, religious bodies and the wider community, commenting as follows –
Mrs. Sylvia Harris confirmed
cathedral visits continued for schools and were widely taken up. She also referred to the Sacred Doorways
Project which was a tourism initiative working with churches and chapels across
Conwy, Denbighshire and Flintshire with trails to explore
the Chair
referred to school visits to Llanasa Church when he
was a Head teacher which provided an opportunity for children to visit a sacred
place and use available resources in the church – he felt that interaction
between schools and churches was largely dependent on the vicars and ministers
in charge
Joe Welch highlighted the benefits of cross curricular links with most other
subjects and reported upon a half termly project involving a nature walk around
the village of Nantglyn finishing at Nantglyn church – he agreed to contact the school concerned
with a view to contributing a case study
Mr. Simon Cameron
reported upon work on going in church schools and an initiative to gather good
practice and case studies in Religious Education and Collective Worship which
would be made available for use by schools on the website He also referred to Archbishop Rice Jones
Charitable Trust which provided grants to schools to buy resources for
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Ann Davies felt that schools visits tended to focus on special occasions such
as Christmas and children could be encouraged to take part in Sunday
services. Councillor Margaret McCarroll suggested schools’ record of achievement
presentations could be held in churches as a matter of good practice
Ms Mary Ludenbach was pleased to report upon the numerous links
that Blessed Edward Jones Catholic High School had with the religious community,
and advised that groups from the school did attend week day services. Whilst noting the benefits of cross
curricular links she stressed the importance of something more profound,
providing an opportunity for children to be, absorb
and reflect in a sacred place.
In light of the excellent examples of existing good practice the Chair queried whether there was a need for an additional resource. Members discussed the benefits of providing a case study for generating ideas and inspiration to further enhance and promote strong links, and for reinvigorating existing provision. The SL added that reference could be made within the resource to existing provision. It was hoped that the case studies would inspire schools and the local religious community. Consequently it was –
RESOLVED that the proposal to develop a joint resource with Conwy and Flintshire local authorities to encourage closer links and interaction between schools and the religious community (as outlined above) be approved.
Supporting documents: