Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report from the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) on the enforcement activities of Kingdom officers for the purpose of environmental crime, and the cost and benefits of the current arrangements.


                                                                                                         11.30 a.m.



A report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection and the Public Protection Manager, which provided a comprehensive update on the environmental crime enforcement activities of Kingdom Security Ltd (KSL), how the service was managed and developed over the last 12 month period, and the associated costs, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


Councillor D.I. Smith introduced the report and explained that in October, 2012 the Council had appointed KSL to undertake the important role of the enforcement of environmental crime across the County.  KSL were responsible for enforcing against environmental crimes such as littering, dog fouling, fly posting, smoking in an enclosed space and graffiti.  Dog fouling had been the most persistent source of complaints, with littering being the source of the greatest number of FPN’s served. 


The role and remit of KSL officers had been summarised in the report.  Member briefings had been sent to all Members and City, Town and Community Councils on a quarterly basis to provide updates on officer activities and the number of FPNs which had been served.  Appendix 1 incorporated the latest Member briefing.


Special operations had been undertaken to tackle problematic or ‘hot spot’ areas for dog fouling, which included early morning and weekend operations at various locations.  CCTV had been used to support the operations and a successful week long educational event had been undertaken on Rhyl High Street.


With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation the KSL representatives provided Members with video footage of a FPN being issued on the Coast Road between Rhyl and Prestatyn.


Financial information and background details pertaining to FPN’s had been included in the report.  The total number of patrols undertaken across the County and number of warnings and cautions issued had been incorporated in Appendix 2.  Members were informed that particulars relating to complaints received since October, 2012, the investigation procedure adopted, consultation process, risks and the steps implemented to address them had also been provided.


Members were provided with the details of the recently launched “bin it to win it” scheme introduced by KSL to provide further incentive to the public to dispose of their litter and dog waste in a responsible manner.  Councillor Smith highlighted the importance of maintaining the momentum of the work being undertaken regarding the enforcement of environmental crime in the County.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor R.M. Murray regarding the provision of guidance and clarity in relation to the requirement for KSL officers to wear official uniforms when undertaking their official duties, the KSL representatives explained that casual dress was more conducive when undertaking certain activities, such as those relating to dog fouling offences.  The KSL representatives explained that they would be unable to provide a further response to any complaints received pending a full analysis of any associated evidence. Councillor Murray was informed that he would be provided with a detailed response, which could be related to members of public, pending completion of the investigations.  Members were provided with an assurance that KSL officers would in future wear official uniforms when undertaking duties in Town Centres.


Details pertaining to the use of body cameras by KSL officers, and the hours during which the officers undertake their duties, were provided for the Committee.


RESOLVED – that subject to clarification on the Council's guidelines to the Company with regards to enforcement officers' wearing of uniform, to support the continued approach and partnership with Kingdom Security Ltd. for the enforcement of environmental crime.


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