Eitem ar yr agenda

Eitem ar yr agenda


Derbyn adroddiad gan y Pennaeth Priffyrdd a Gwasanaethau Amgylcheddol (copi'n amgaeëdig) ar y polisi parcio ac ymarfer cwmpasu adolygu parcio a thraffig.

                                                                                                            9.35 a.m.




A copy of a report by the Head of Highways and Environmental Services (HHES), which provided an overview of the draft new parking policy and detailed the scoping exercise carried out to assess options for conducting a Traffic and Parking Review (TPR) for the main towns across Denbighshire, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. 


The Section Manager: Traffic and Transportation (SMTT) introduced the follow up report to the one submitted in November, 2013, Appendix A, when it had been agreed that the parking policy be reviewed and a scoping exercise be undertaken to assess the options for a TPR.


Some items in the existing Policy, Appendix B, were still relevant with some having been superseded due to subsequent developments.  The new policy, Appendix C, adopted an approach which recognised the role that effective management of parking could play in supporting the local economy.  A well-managed parking regime could have a positive effect in assisting a retail centre.  The ten priorities in the new policy had been listed in the report.


It was explained that Action 5.1d in the “Economic and Community Ambition Strategy” had been to carry out a TPR for the main towns across Denbighshire.  The exercise had resulted in the development of a suggested methodology for the TPR which had been incorporated in Appendix D.  Feedback received from the Economic and Community Ambition Board had been incorporated in the methodology.


The CDECA and Head of Housing and Community Development (HHCD) provided details of the review and its significance in identifying the needs of the residents, local businesses, and its importance in promoting and supporting the local economy.


The TPR had been proposed to evaluate how parking and traffic management could contribute towards the Corporate Priority of developing the local economy, and it had been recognised that parking provision alone could not influence the viability and vibrancy of town centres.  The importance of good signage, provision of safe access for pedestrians, cyclists, passenger transport and those with impaired mobility had also been highlighted.  It was noted that traffic congestion or a parking “free for all” could potentially create an unattractive, unsafe and unwelcoming environment.


Details of the data provided by present pay and display meters had been outlined, and it was explained that a current lack of data in certain areas had made it more difficult to evaluate and assess the costs involved.  The proposed starting point for the TPR had been included in the report, with the final stage being to identify potential solutions to try and improve the influence of traffic and parking management in town centres.  A summary of the costs had been incorporated in the report.


Members were informed that the parking policy review would need to be undertaken within existing service budgets, with the effect on costs and income levels requiring assessment during the reviews.  The current budget pressure, primarily relating to Prestatyn and Rhyl car parks, would need to be considered as part of the reviews.  An Equality Impact Assessment document had been included as Appendix E.


Members discussed the contents of the report in detail and the following actions and issues were identified:-


·  the need to liaise with Town Councils on the most appropriate days to earmark as 'free parking days' to ensure the County does not incur substantial income losses.

·  it being important to ensure that all pay and display meters collect relevant and useful data to enable the Council to use it effectively.

·  a need for car parks to have clear signage for short and long term stays and that all signage is current and up to date.

·  that coach parking provision in towns be incorporated as part of the review.

·  the need to explore parking provision in the County's rural areas, particularly in tourist areas.

·  Maintenance issues and the number of pot holes in car parks which required attention.


During the ensuing discussion, Members requested that a progress report on the Parking Review be included in the Committee’s Forward Work Programme for October, 2014.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the consideration of the above points and inclusions to the report, the Committee:-


(a)  endorsed the introduction of the new parking policy as drafted in Appendix C to the report.

(b) supported the suggested approach for conducting traffic and parking review for the towns listed in the report, and

(c) requested that the findings of the traffic and parking review be reported to the Committee in the autumn of 2014.



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