Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a report from the Head of Education (copy enclosed) which provided details of the progress in respect of Modernising Education.

                                                                                                          9.35 a.m.



A copy of a report by the Head of Customers and Education Support (HCES), which detailed the findings of the Gateway Review of Denbighshire’s Modernising Education Programme (MEP) and provided an overall update on the current progress of the individual projects, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The HCES introduced the report which provided details of the progress against the key Council Priority.    As part of the delivery of the Corporate Plan the workstream for the priority of improving performance in education and the quality of school buildings had been developed into a clear programme of work.  The current projects, which formed part of the workstream, included the major capital projects and the school organisation proposals.  Discussions with the WG identified the benefits of undertaking a Gateway Review on the workstream to provide a degree of assurance regarding the measures in place to manage the programme.  In response to a question from Councillor M.Lll. Davies, the HCES explained that if available a Welsh version of the OGC Gateway Review document would be circulated to Members.


A formal Gateway Review had been undertaken of Denbighshire’s MEP in September.  An independent Gateway Review team had interviewed personnel involved in the MEP.  The review system provided five categories of judgment ranging from Green, Amber/Green, Amber, Amber/Red and Red.  The overall delivery confidence assessment from the review had been Amber/Green - Successful delivery appeared probable, however, constant attention would be required to ensure risks did not materialise into major issues which threatened delivery.


The report referred to the findings and recommendations from the review, which were incorporated in Appendix 1. 


Concerns had been expressed regarding the uncertainty of future funding with the Denbighshire Schools Programme being affected by decisions on the amount, timing and nature of WG financial support. Denbighshire had considered how it might mitigate the effect of any reduced funding on its school investment programme.


It was explained that although policy objectives for the Programme had been set, an overall vision statement setting out what the future would look like would be useful.  The area reviews had provided a sound basis for the Programme.  However, there was as yet no clear articulation of how the findings from the individual areas, and the vision derived from that work would be reflected at Programme level.  While hard and soft benefits had been identified at project level, work to bring these together at Programme level was still being developed.  A need to capture indicators of the Programme’s contribution to educational outcomes in the County had been identified.


The four main recommendations made by the review had been included in the report.  Overall the findings of the review indicated that the Programme was in a strong position to deliver its intended outcomes, and an updated Programme level risk register had been presented to the Modernising Education Programme Board (MEPB).  The Programme Manager would be tasked with leading on the remaining pieces of work and progress against them would be reported to the MEPB in March.  Details of the Membership of the MEPB were provided by the HCES and she agreed to pursue the suggestion that Scrutiny Members could attend and potentially be members of the Board.


The current progress against the Programme had been assessed both through internal challenge processes such as the Quarterly Performance Reports and the MEPB.  The HCES provided a summary of Appendix 2, Modernising Education Programme Update, which outlined the current scope and progress of the projects being undertaken throughout the County.


Councillor E.W. Williams referred to the lack of understanding of the Modernising Education Programme and particular reference was made to poor attendance by elected members at meetings, events and sessions relating to education matters.  The HCES explained that the views of both Elected and Coopted Members would be welcomed and valued.  She emphasised the need to continue to communicate and highlight the aims and objectives of the Modernising Education Programme to stakeholders and citizens with a view of having a greater understanding of the programme and its benefits for all residents.  The Programme included primary, secondary and special schools and its successful delivery would contribute towards the regeneration of the County.


The importance of the level of capital investment by Denbighshire was highlighted by Councillor E.W. Williams in relation to securing grant funding for future projects.  He made reference to the Authority’s Capital Plan and the significance of the Corporate Plan.


In response to concerns raised it was explained that it would be important to continue to work with schools and stakeholders to reconfigure school buildings to enable community groups to use them out of school time, and to promote the vision of having modern schools which as well as being educational establishments were also community assets for residents' use, without having a detrimental effect on other local community amenities.  Officers also gave assurances that every possible effort was made to ensure that school buildings were safe from vandalism, this was done through close partnership working with other organisations, such as the Police and Fire and Rescue Service.


In reply to issues raised by Councillor R.J. Davies, it was agreed to investigate the alleged 'pillar' in the centre of a Physical Education hall at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, and also the arrangements in place to enable equitable access for pupils at the school to the sports facilities at the neighbouring Denbigh High School site.


During the ensuing discussion, the Committee congratulated the staff involved with the Modernising Education Programme for their diligent work, and it was:-


RESOLVED – that subject to the above observations, to note the findings of the Gateway Review on the overall progress against this key Council priority.


Supporting documents: