Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Customers and Education Support  (copy enclosed) which provides information regarding pupil places, future projections, condition and suitability of schools and the number of mobile accommodation units currently in use.

                                                                                                         10.55 a.m.



A copy of a report by the Head of Customers and Education Support (HCES), which provided information regarding pupil places, future projections, condition and suitability of schools and the number of mobile accommodation units currently in use, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Programme Manager: Moderising Education (       PM:ME) explained that the application of the Modernising Education Policy Framework had led the Council to make a number of difficult decisions regarding the future of a number of schools. 


The Council approved its Corporate Plan in October, 2012, which included the commitment to “Improving Performance in Education and the Quality of our School Buildings”.  This commitment included funding proposals to invest approximately £96m into the school estate to improve the quality of school buildings.  A clear Modernising Education Programme had been established in December, 2012 with the objective of delivering this ambition.  Details of how the Programme would be delivered, the current position on surplus places and school numbers, information on 21st Century Schools funded projects and other priority areas had been included in the report and associated appendices.


The Corporate Plan would potentially allow a further £23million to be invested towards implementing the findings of area reviews and other school building projects and improving works.  No decisions had been made regarding where this investment would be made.      


The following responses were provided by the PM:ME to issues and matters raised by Members:-


-                  Details were provided of the future use and disposal of mobile classrooms and any associated financial implications.  Councillor E.W. Williams explained that the WG had indicated its intention to penalise authorities for using mobile classrooms.

-                  The PM:ME advised that the two Special Schools had not been listed due to the different methodology and criteria used for assessing pupil places at those schools.

-                  Councillor E.W. Williams suggested that Members seek clarification from the respective AMs regarding the designation of regional special schools, particular reference being made to possible impact of the pending boundary reviews and the possible implications for the service provision at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh.

-              The PM:ME explained that birth rate projections would be reviewed incorporating the challenges presented by the upward trend and factoring in the development of the Local Development Plan(LDP).

-                  Councillor E.W. Williams outlined the factors and statistics considered in relation to the size of rural schools.  He referred to the Authority’s funding strategy which would need to be adhered to if future funding provision from WG was to be ensured for forthcoming projects.

-                  The difficulties pertaining to the classification of English, Welsh and bilingual schools was highlighted by Councillor E.W. Williams.  The PM:ME referred to the work undertaken by the Welsh Strategic Group in relation to the provision of quality assurance in respect of the classification of schools.

-                   In response to concerns expressed by Councillor C. Hughes regarding projected capacity in the Denbigh area, Councillor E.W. Williams made reference to the Capital Plan which provided the potential for investment for better education facilities provision in all areas.

-                  In reply to issues raised, the Committee agreed that a further information report be provided detailing the condition of the County's school estate. 


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that:-


(a)  the report be received, subject to Members' observations to note the position and actions being undertaken as part of the Corporate Plan to improve the overall condition of schools in Denbighshire, and

(b) a further information report be provided detailing the condition of the County's school estate.


Supporting documents: