Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Commissioning and Evaluation Officer (copy enclosed) detailing the providers’ progress to date in delivering their services, the Families First Action Plan, and Outcome 4 of the BIG Plan.  Appendix 2 to this report is confidential.

9.40 a.m. – 10.10 a.m.


Councillor Eryl Williams introduced the report (previously circulated) highlighting the excellent work undertaken and comprehensive programme in place to provide support for families.  The report detailed the providers’ progress to date in delivering their services, the Families First Action Plan, and Outcome 4 of the BIG Plan.  Details of the Families First Programme in Denbighshire (Appendix 1) together with a confidential case study (Appendix 2) had been attached to the report.


The Families First Programme promoted the development of effective multi-agency systems and support, with a clear emphasis on prevention and early intervention for families.  The Partnerships and Communities Team Manager (PCTM) and the Commissioning and Evaluation Officer (C&EO) elaborated upon the range of services provided in Denbighshire and progress in delivering projects together with the latest programme activities.  In terms of funding £1.2m (2012/13) and £1.3m (2013/14) had been allocated to support non-commissioned and strategically commissioned services.  Indications were that funding for 2014/15 would be £1.3m.  To enable the committee to consider the confidential case study (Appendix 2 to the report) it was RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that exempt information would likely be disclosed as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


The PCTM used the case study to illustrate the effectiveness of the multi-agency approach in supporting a particular family leading to positive outcomes.  After consideration of the case study the meeting resumed in OPEN SESSION.


The committee noted the range of services provided and the progress in delivering those services within the Family First Programme.  Members commended the successful partnership working as evidenced by the family case study and acknowledged the value of the programme for families.  During debate the committee sought assurances regarding future funding allocations and clarification of future service provision.  In terms of the sub-regional commissioning project officers were also asked to elaborate upon how key benefits would be achieved and outcomes measured.  Officers responded that –


·        specific grant funding to support Families First was allocated by the Welsh Government – it was possible that future funding may form part of the general funding allocation

·        despite being a five year programme funding was allocated annually which resulted in difficulties in terms of future planning provision and contracts.  The Council was required to report to the Welsh Government on a quarterly basis on funding expenditure

·        current contracts/service level agreements ended on 31 March 2014 and the Families First Project Board was being reconvened to project manage the commissioning process and make recommendations to the Operational Group

·        regional learning sets had been established as part of the programme which should produce financial savings for partners making processes more efficient across a number of areas – by working on this sub-regional commission project (with Wrexham and Conwy Councils), the provision of a Young Carers Service in Denbighshire would save £31k collectively from April 2014 with no detriment to the level of service – other initiatives included streamlining processes for funding applications and the development of a toolkit for tender documentation and generally working together with other agencies to deliver services in a better way.


The committee welcomed the excellent work being carried out but highlighted the difficulties in evaluating the overall impact and success of the programme and asked whether more measureable outcomes could be provided.  It was suggested that future reports include the actual figures behind the percentages and consideration be given to the merits of introducing a traffic light system to denote progress.  Officers acknowledged the difficulties of measuring performance, particularly across collective agencies, and were working on systems to capture data and develop outcome tools.  Actual figures in addition to percentages could be provided.  The Chair thanked officers for the report and it was –




(a)       subject to members’ comments above, the providers’ progress in delivering services and the latest information regarding programme activities in relation to the Families First Programme in Denbighshire be noted, and


(b)       a further progress report be submitted to the committee in approximately eight months’ time or such earlier time if the funding allocation expected for 2014/15 did not materialise.


Upon Councillor Bill Cowie’s arrival at this point the committee became quorate and previous decisions were ratified.


Supporting documents: