Agenda item

Agenda item


To receive a presentation from the Head of Internal Audit (copy enclosed) on a self-assessment of the Corporate Governance Committee’s knowledge, skills and experience to carry out its role effectively.




The report accompanied the Head of Internal Audit’s presentation of a self-assessment of the Corporate Governance Committee’s knowledge, skills and experience to carry out its role effectively, undertaken as part of the Corporate Governance Committee Members training initiative.


As part of the Council’s Corporate Governance Framework, to ensure the effectiveness of the Audit Committee, an annual self-assessment was undertaken by Local Authority Audit Committees to identify any weaknesses, training and development needs.    An attempt to carry out the self-assessment by questionnaire had been unsuccessful and it was confirmed that the presentation would cover the key requirements of an effective Audit Committee and identify areas for an improvement Action Plan where necessary.


The HIA felt that questions should be addressed regarding the level of assurance Members felt would be required as a Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, and if assurances being provided and from where and by who.


Members felt that assurances were provided by senior officers responding to questions presented at meetings of the Committee.  Evidence of compliance and challenge were provided by Internal and External Audit and other agencies, and the HIA explained that assurances would also be provided through the Governance Framework.


The Chair suggested that the training programme provided for Elected Members following the County Council elections be repeated.  The Committee agreed that a general training session be provided for all Elected Members followed by an advanced training session, and that the easy guide induction pack be re-circulated to Members.  The Committee Members also suggested that training be provided for new Members appointed to the Corporate Governance Committee.


In reply to a question from Councillor B. Blakeley, the HLDS referred to the Committees’ Terms of Reference and provided details the Vice Chair of the Council’s membership of the Committee, which he confirmed could be reviewed.


With the aid of a power point presentation the HIA covered the key requirements of an effective Audit Committee and identified areas for improvement in the action plan where necessary.


The presentation highlighted areas pertaining to:-


·                     Assurance provision.

·                     Governance Framework.

·                     Partnerships.

·                     Internal audit.

·                     Challenge.

·                     Risk Management.

·                     Fraud.

·                     Financial Management.

·                     External Audit.

·                     Committee knowledge, support and effectiveness.


The officers provided the following responses to issues and questions raised by Members of the Committee during the presentation:-


-               The HIA expressed his concerns regarding Partnership Governance and confirmed that there were areas for improvement.  He outlined the work currently being undertaken to address this issue and made reference to the recent commencement of the Certificate of Corporate Governance training, which he would be participating in.  Councillor M.L. Holland referred to the possible risks associated with partnership working, particular reference being made to external groups and bodies in receipt of funding from the Council.

-               In reply to a question from Mr P. Whitham, the HIA confirmed that he would be examining the provision of officer training with regard to the new Partnership Framework.

-               Members agreed that an annual report, similar to that produced by the Scrutiny Committees, be submitted detailing the work undertaken by the Corporate Governance Committee.

-               Mr P. Whitham highlighted the need for more in depth detail in respect of follow up reports, the provision of clarity with regards to essential assurance percentages and the alternative presentation of the Annual Governance Action Plan and Annual Governance Monitoring Statement to meetings of the Committee.

-               The HIA referred to the development of a Fraud Assurance Plan which would be presented to the Committee.  Members agreed that officers from identified key departments be invited to attend meetings of the Committee.


Following further discussion, it was:-


RESOLVED – that the Corporate Governance Committee:-


(a)             receives and notes the contents of the draft Corporate Governance Framework Action Plan.

(b)             requests that a general training session be provided for all Elected Members, followed by an advanced session for Members of the Corporate Governance Committee.

(c)              agrees that a copy of the easy guide induction pack be circulated to Members.

requests a report detailing the work of the Committee be submitted annually, and

(d)             the Fraud Assurance Plan be presented to Committee with officers from identified key departments being invited to attend.

(IB, GW and RW to Action)


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