Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by Councillor Hugh Evans (copy enclosed) on Denbighshire’s responses to the Welsh Government Consultations on the new European Funding Programmes for 2014-2020.


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet confirms it support for Denbighshire’s responses to the Welsh Government Consultations on European Structural Funds 2014–2020: West Wales & the Valleys; and the Common Agricultural Policy Reform Rural Development Plan 2014-2020: Next Steps.



Councillor Hugh Evans presented the report, circulated previously, which detailed the Denbighshire County Council responses to the Welsh Government Consultations on the new European Funding Programmes for 2014-2020.


It was explained that following a Workshop held on the 20th March, 2013, consisting of key Denbighshire Officers and Members including members of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, Rural Development Plan Partnership and Local Action Group, a draft response had been formulated to the Welsh Government Consultations on the new European Funding Programmes for 2014-2020.  Consideration had been afforded to the Corporate Priorities and other Welsh Government Regional Policies, and Cabinet had been requested to confirm support for these responses on behalf of the County Council.


In January, 2013 Welsh Government had launched parallel public consultations on both the Structural Funds and Rural Development Programmes for 2014-2020.  The consultation documents had contained a proposed programme strategy, investment priorities, cross-cutting themes, explored some of the key implementation and delivery issues and included the evidence base. The proposals for the new Structural Fund programmes had been developed with a focus on growth and jobs, which had been in line with Welsh Government policy, and the Europe 2020 goals of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.


For the programming period 2014-2020 it was expected that West Wales and the Valleys would qualify as a “less developed region”: the highest level of support available under the next round of Structural Funds programmes.  The actual amount of EU funding that would become available during the next programming period was subject to the outcome of negotiations on the EU budget by the European Council and the European Parliament.  Responses to the consultation questions would play an important part in the preparation of the final text of the Operational Programmes, which WG would submit to the European Commission later in 2013.


Denbighshire had responded to the consultations in order to ensure that in addition to aligning with WG and EU policy the final Operational Programme documents enable them to deliver actions within Denbighshire’s Corporate Priorities.  Denbighshire’s responses would be included in a Regional response drafted on behalf of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, and would also be submitted to the WLGA to form part of their all Wales response.  The Denbighshire Consultation responses had been attached to the report as annexes.


The report included details of how the decision would contribute to the Corporate Priorities, costs and their effect on other services, a completed Equality Impact Assessment and an outline of any risks and the actions implemented to reduce them.  It was explained that a Key Member and Officer Group had discussed the consultation responses outlined in the report and further consultation exercises would be undertaken as funding opportunities developed.


The Leader stressed the importance of the need to raise the profile of European Structure funds within the corporate context in order to support and progress the Council’s Corporate Plan.  The competition within the regions to secure funding was highlighted and he summarised the proposed themes identified by Welsh Government and the key issues incorporated in the response.


Councillor H.Ll. Jones referred to the problems experienced with regard to the classification of rural and urban areas and explained that Dyserth had now been classified as a rural area.  


In reply to a question from Councillor H.C. Irving regarding the provision of support for small businesses, particularly issues pertaining to match funding, the Corporate Director: Economic and Community Ambition (CD:ECA) referred to the work undertaken by the Task and Finish Group with regard to the development of the Community Ambitions Strategy, which highlighted the need for the provision of improved, more focused and easy to navigate support for businesses.   The importance of ensuring that businesses were aware of the support available through the development of a business advice and support partnership throughout Denbighshire was highlighted.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor M.Ll. Davies regarding the need to make representations to the Welsh Government for the provision of improved road and rail links between North and South Wales, the Leader referred to the work undertaken by the Ambitions Board and Members agreed that the matter be referred to the Senior European and External Funding Officer to progress.


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet confirms it support for Denbighshire’s responses to the Welsh Government Consultations on European Structural Funds 2014–2020: West Wales & the Valleys; and the Common Agricultural Policy Reform Rural Development Plan 2014-2020: Next Steps.


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