Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services (copy attached) in respect of the implementation of the new Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010 as set out in the North Wales Carers Information and Consultation Strategy 2012 – 2015.                                                                                                                               

10.10 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Head of Adult and Business Services had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The report detailed the implementation of the new Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010, the Carers Measure, as set out in the North Wales Carers Information and Consultation Strategy 2012 – 2015, and included an information note on the 24 hour support line for Carers in Denbighshire.


In accordance with the requirements of the Carers Measure the final draft of the Regional Strategy, Appendix 1, had been approved by Welsh Government.  The report outlined of how the Regional Strategy would address the requirements of the Carers Measure, and it was explained that each of the six Local Authorities in North Wales would be required to scrutinise and approve the Strategy.  


Local Health Boards had been designated as the ‘lead authority’ in the implementation of the Carers Measure Regulations.  The North Wales Carers Leads Strategic Group (NWCSLG) had been established to develop the Regional Strategy.  This Group would continue to meet and act as the partnership working group to take forward the actions outlined in the Regional Strategy.  BCUHB had established a Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure Project Board, which included representation from Local Authorities and the third sector, to scrutinise the work of the NWCSLG and provide advice and assurance to the Health Board.


The Welsh Government had concluded that the Regional Strategy was proactive with a good focus on outcomes and underpinned by clear thinking about what might need to be done differently to achieve them.  The Strategy had demonstrated strong partnership working between the Health Board, six Local Authorities and Third Sector organisations.  Areas for improvement had been highlighted and included the need for a separate chapter on young carers, strengthening some of the Key Actions for Year 3, clarification of how the Strategy would relate to Black and Minority Ethnic communities and other groups with protected characteristics and consolidation of the mental health element of the Strategy. 


            The effect of the new Measure was likely to result in an increased number of Carers identified and referred on for statutory assessment by the Local Authority.  The potential for an increase in referrals would be monitored to consider capacity issues and implications for future services.  


The Carers Co-ordinator provided a detailed summary of the salient points and Key Actions contained within the Strategy, Appendix 1 to the report.  The Chair explained that Councillor J.A. Davies had recently been reappointed Carers Champion for Denbighshire.


The following responses were provided to issues and questions raised by Members:-


-                the Carers Co-ordinator outlined the existing communication links and made particular reference to the remit of the North Wales Carers Leads Strategic Group.  She detailed the measures in place to help address problems experienced by young carers and confirmed that further work would be undertaken through the Strategic Group.  The CD:MW outlined the work being carried out in Denbighshire Schools and Children’s Services to identify young carers and ensure a higher level of awareness, and she confirmed that further work would be undertaken through the regional commissioning of services.


-                with respect to the provision of respite care for service users to assist carers, the HABS explained that the method of identifying individual carers could be examined and it was agreed that an item in respect of this matter could be included on the agenda for consideration by the Carers Forum.  The CD:MW referred to the measure which encouraged the identification of carers but emphasised the need for resources to meet the demand.  The Carers Co-ordinator referred to the remit of the BCUHB in directing users to the Carers Needs Assessment process.  She confirmed that they were aware of the problems being encountered and this issue had been highlighted to Welsh Government by Local Authorities across Wales.


-                the HABS explained that the overarching assessment of people requiring care, and their respective carers, was undertaken by Social Work Teams, and he confirmed that assessments were required to undertaken on an annual basis.


-                Health Service officers recognised the excessive work loads of nursing staff in Hospitals and confirmed that Health Service Carers Champions on hospital wards would comprise of a cross-section of staff from within the Service.


-                the Carers Commissioning Officer provided details pertaining to the number of carers, as identified in the 2011 census.  She provided details of the training programme for social care staff and it was agreed that a copy of the documentation outlining the services provided could be circulated to Members. 


-                the HABS informed the Committee that the provision of equipment and adaptation work in service users’ homes was done via the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) scheme.


-                confirmation was provided that all staff attending training sessions would receive a comprehensive standard performance evaluation form which would be examined and assessed. 


-               the HABS provided details of the composition of the Community Care Care Panel and the process adopted regarding the assessment undertaken by the respective Social Worker.


-                In response to concerns raised by members regarding the need to ensure that patients discharged from hospital were accompanied by an adequate care plan, the Carers Co-ordinator explained that discharge planning would be an important element of the establishment of a formal referral pathway through the health journey and this was part of the strategy currently being introduced to improve the process.  In reply to a suggestion that patients should not be discharged until they were subject to a care plan, the CD:MW explained that patients should have a discharge plan, which would encompass a care plan, and the proposed improvement of the strategy would ensure that the process would be more robust.  The Committee agreed that the concerns expressed that adequate care plans were not always in place be noted, and that the HABS liaise with colleagues in the Health Service to examine possible ways of addressing the issues and concern raised by Members.  


The HABS drew Members’ attention to the information note which responded to a query regarding a 24 hour support line for Carers in Denbighshire.  The Adult Social Care Services commission carer support services with six local third sector organisations which primarily provide information and one to one support to Carers, these included NEWCIS, Alzheimers Society and Hafal.  The principal 24 hour call line for Wales was Community Advice and Listening Line (C.A.L.L.), together with, the Wales Dementia Helpline.  Details of the services had been included in the Denbighshire Carers Information Pack and it was confirmed that the development of the Regional Strategy would help in promoting the support services for Carers identified by health staff.


It was explained that the cost of running a 24 hour telephone support line would be in the region of £100K annually.  More detailed work would be required to assess the potential uptake of a local, county based service, but it would be difficult to justify considering the level of investment, given that there were already services available at national level.   Review of the Denbighshire Carers Information Pack would commence in January, 2013 and promotion of existing call lines could be considered as part of the review.  The HABS agreed that the costs pertaining to the provision of care lines could be provided to members. 


During the ensuing discussion Members supported the view that recommendation 3.2 in the report be amended to read that “the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee notes the information provided with regard to 24 Carer support lines”.


RESOLVED – that the Committee:-


(a)   supports the North Wales Carers Information and Consultation Strategy, 2012/2015 and the partnership approach with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and the third sector in regard to its implementation, and 

(b)   notes the information provided with regard to 24 hour Carer support line, and the services in place to meet this need for Denbighshire carers.



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