Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Education (copy attached) which detailed the progress to date with the establishment and running of the Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (RSEIS); and the benefits realised to date from its establishment.

                                                                                                           9.35 a.m.


A copy of a report by the Head of Education, which detailed the progress with the establishment and running of the Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (RSEIS), and the benefits realised from its establishment, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.


The Head of Education (HE) introduced the report and explained that Cabinet had, in February 2012, approved the Full Business Case to establish a Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (RSEIS) to be accountable to, and undertake the statutory responsibilities of the six local North Wales Authorities in respect of the duties to monitor; challenge; provide support services for curriculum continued professional development and management of schools, and, in addition, provide services that could be commissioned by schools and Local Authorities.  A copy of the report to Cabinet had been included as Appendix 1, with a copy of the full business case as Appendix 2.


The current total cost of delivering the existing statutory and advisory in-scope school improvement functions across the six North Wales Local Authorities had been outlined for Members.  A potential all regional saving of £882k had been identified which could be re-invested in Education, or released as a cashable saving, depending on the needs of each Local Authority.

Members were informed that Gwynedd had been appointed as the Host Authority for the RSEIS.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services (HLDS) summarised the legal arrangements introduced to ensure a clear line of accountability to manage the Service and provided details pertaining to the establishment of a Joint Committee, outlining its remit and composition.  He outlined the purpose of the Inter Authority Agreement which formalised the arrangements between the respective Authorities and set out clear parameters and boundaries.

Councillor E.W. Williams referred to views expressed by the Minister regarding timescales and emphasised that standards were more important than structures and that Denbighshire had set a good example as an Education Authority.

In response to concerns expressed that the high standards set and achieved by Denbighshire should not be constricted by the establishment of the RSEIS, the HE referred to the challenges and benefits arising from its introduction and provided an assurance that the standards and levels achieved in Denbighshire would not be impeded.  She confirmed that the process would be monitored attentively and that the close working relationship and links which had been developed with Headteachers would continue.  Concern was also expressed regarding the possible comparisons which could be made between the respective Authorities, particularly with regard to budgetary provision and standards, and the importance of accepting that some Authorities would want to maintain their current high standards and expectations.  Councillor E.W. Williams explained that establishment of the RSEIS would increase capacity to cover a wider sphere of the School Improvement Programme and ensure a vast enhancement in education provision.

The HE agreed that further information would be supplied regarding Member input to a review being undertaken by Robert Hill.  She explained that roles and functions would be transferred from local authorities with staff redeployed, together with the respective budgets, following the establishment of the RSEIS.  The HLDS confirmed that the Partnership Scrutiny Committee would scrutinise partnership working and he explained that the Local Government Wales Measure had introduced the concept of joint scrutiny which could be adopted to monitor the RSEIS.  The HE informed Members that Estyn would monitor the process and reference was made to the consortium working inspection and Local Authority involvement in Inspections.   The Scrutiny Coordinator referred to the possible availability of funding from the Welsh Government to undertake the groundwork required to establish joint scrutiny arrangements for projects such as the regional education service.

The HE responded to concerns expressed and provided an assurance that the standards set by Denbighshire would be maintained and progressed.  She confirmed that a user group had been established which afforded Headteachers and School Governors the opportunity to meet with senior officers from RSEIS.  The HE also highlighted the importance of the Standards of Attainment Report, presented annually to scrutiny, which sought improved outcomes for children.  In reply to concerns regarding the timescales involved and the need to ensure that members of staff were afforded adequate time to adapt to any changes, Councillor E.W. Williams felt that such concerns could be conveyed to the respective Minister.  Following further discussion, it was:-



(a)   to receive the report and note the progress achieved to date in establishing the new service, and

(b)   that a further report be submitted in January, 2014 on the progress achieved with Service’s establishment, problems or barriers encountered, and achievements to date.



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