Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (copy enclosed) regarding the appointment of members to act as Champions for particular areas.


Councillor Barbara Smith, Lead Member for Modernising and Performance introduced the report seeking members’ consideration of the draft role descriptions for, and the appointment of, the Champions identified in the Council’s Constitution and to discuss the process by which other Champion roles may be identified as suitable for adoption by the Council.  She elaborated upon the posts of the four Champions which had been identified in the Constitution for the following areas –


·        Older People’s Champion

·        Homelessness Champion

·        Carer’s Champion

·        Learning Disabilities Champion


Group Leaders had discussed the appointment process for Champions and agreed that nominees would prepare a CV and appointments made by full Council.  It was suggested that CVs be submitted to the Democratic Services Manager by 16 November and appointments be considered by Council on 4 December.  This procedure would ensure that no member was disenfranchised.  Councillor Gwyneth Kensler noted further clarification had been required on the appointment process following the Group Leaders meeting and questioned the quality of feedback to members.


During the ensuing discussion Council agreed that the Corporate Governance Committee should consider the merit in appointing Champions for other interests and a number of suggestions were put forward for consideration as follows –


·        Councillor Jason McLellan proposed a Young Persons Champion highlighting the difficulties faced by young people and the need to empower and engage them in the political process.  Other members spoke in favour of that proposal and Councillor Carys Guy-Davies added that the targeted age group should be 14 – 19 with a focus on raising political awareness.


Arising from the proposal the Chairman advised that arrangements were being made for a delegation of young people to attend Council Briefing in January with a view to generating an interest in politics.  Councillor Joan Butterfield suggested that the younger councillors be specifically invited to interact with that delegation and engage with the young people.  Councillor Eryl Williams added that work was ongoing in schools to engage youngsters and each school had elected a School Council.  He felt that young people were put off by politics in the media.


·        Councillor Ann Davies highlighted the need for a Young Carer’s Champion (a post previously held by the former Councillor Morfudd Jones) to provide a monitoring role and ensure young carers received the necessary support


·        Councillor David Smith asked that consideration be given to a Scrutiny Champion, a post he had held previously, highlighting the importance of the scrutiny function and being part of the Scrutiny Champions Network.


The current Champions for Older People and Learning Disabilities, Councillors Bobby Feeley and Ray Bartley also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of those roles and the good work and achievements in those areas in recent years.  Councillor Feeley noted the differing opinions as to whether or not Champions should be based at cabinet level.  She felt that the approach taken should be decided by individual authorities and welcomed nominations from others for the post of Older People’s Champion.  Councillor Meirick Davies thought Cabinet members already carried a full workload and suggested it would be good practice to only allow those members outside of Cabinet to take up the Champions roles.  Councillor Hugh Evans felt that further clarification was required on the role of Champions and suggested that the Corporate Governance Committee would be best placed to develop individual roles and describe their interaction with others in order for Champions to add value to particular areas.


Councillor Barbara Smith was pleased to hear the positive debate about the value of Champions.  In considering the way forward it was suggested that, in addition to the Champions already proposed for other areas, members be given a further opportunity to put forward further suggestions for consideration by the Corporate Governance Committee.  Research would also be undertaken to examine the appointment process and roles of Champions in other authorities to aid the Corporate Governance Committee’s deliberations.  Accordingly it was –




(a)       CV nominations for the four Champions identified within the Council’s Constitution be submitted to the Democratic Services Manager by 16 November 2012 with a view to appointing those Champions at the next meeting of the County Council to be held on 4 December 2012;


(b)       the role descriptions set out in the appendices to the report in respect of the four Champions to be appointed be adopted, and


(c)        the Corporate Governance Committee be asked to consider whether there was merit in appointing Champions for those interests identified by members and to provide clarification of those roles if recommended as suitable for adoption.


Supporting documents: